OnTestStop Event

Applies to TestComplete 14.20, last modified on September 11, 2019
The manual testing functionality is deprecated. Do not use it for creating new tests. It will be removed in a future TestComplete release.

Occurs when the user stops the manual test.


OnTestStop(SenderStepParams) Parameters
Sender [in] Required Variant
StepParams [in] Required The ManualTestingStepEventParams object


The event occurs when the user stops the manual test. You can use this event to perform desired actions upon stopping the manual test.


The event has the following parameters:


The Event control that processes the event.


The ManualTestingStepEventParams object provides information about the test that was stopped. You can use this object to modify the actions that are performed when the event occurs.


For information on how to create an event handler for this and other TestComplete events, see Handling Events.

See Also

Manual Testing
OnBeforeStep Event
OnStepFail Event
OnStepSuccess Event
OnStepSkip Event
Handling Events
Event Control

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