Test Steps Page - Table Variable Tabs

Applies to TestComplete 14.20, last modified on September 11, 2019

If your test has one or more variables of the Table type, the Test Steps page displays the variable content in the Table Variables tabbed pages that reside below the test area. Each table is shown on an appropriate tabbed page:

Table Variable Tabs

You can enlarge the tabs’ height by dragging the separator between the test area and the tabs.

To quickly minimize the tabs, click the drop-down button to the right and choose Minimize from the ensuing menu:

The Minimize menu item
Modifying Variables

You can modify the table contents directly on tab pages: click the needed cell and press F2 or simply click the cell twice (not double-click). This will invoke the in-place editor. Type the needed value and press Enter to confirm the change or press Esc to cancel the change and exit the editing mode.

You can also modify the contents of a Table variable in a special editor. To invoke it, activate the appropriate tab and then select Edit Table Variable from the menu on the right.

See Also

Keyword Test Editor - Variables Page
Keyword Test Variables

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