Keyword Test Editor - Parameters Page

Applies to TestComplete 14.20, last modified on September 11, 2019

The Parameters page of the Keyword Test editor is used to create, delete and modify keyword test parameters. These parameters are used to parameterize operations that belong to the keyword test and customize the actions to be performed.

The image below is the view of the Parameters Page:

Parameters page of the Keyword Test editor

Click the image to enlarge it.

Information on the Page

The page contains a table of test parameters. Each row in this table corresponds to a single parameter. The table shows information about each parameter in the following columns:

Column Description
Name Specifies the parameter name.
Note: The parameter name must match the naming rules of the scripting language used in your project. The easiest way to achieve this is to specify a name that consists of alphanumeric or underscore characters only and starts with a letter.
Type Specifies the parameters’ type. The following types are available:
  • Boolean - - The parameter can store Boolean values.

  • Double - The parameter can store floating-point values and dates.

  • Integer - The parameter can store integer values.

  • String - The parameter can store string values.

  • Object - The parameter can store object references, for example, references to process or window objects.

Optional Specifies whether the parameter is optional, that is, if it can be omitted when the test is called from another test. Optional parameters must have a default value.
Optional parameters always follow the required parameters in the parameter list and cannot be mixed with them. So, if a parameter is optional, all the subsequent parameters must also be optional.
Default Value The parameter’s default value. When a keyword test is called from another test via the Run Keyword Test operation, this value is displayed and used by default for this parameter in the operation properties. Also, if the Optional check box is checked, the default value is used if the parameter is omitted when the test is being called from another test.
Providing a default value does not automatically make the parameter optional - you must check the Optional check box for that.
Description Any descriptive text related to the parameter.

You can arrange columns in the table using the customization capabilities provided by TestComplete.

Parameters Page Toolbar

The Parameters page’s toolbar contains the following commands:

Add Parameter - Adds a new parameter to the current keyword test.

Move Up - Moves the currently selected parameter up in the list.

Move Down - Moves the currently selected parameter down in the list.

Working with the Parameters

Creating New Parameters
  • Right-click within the Parameters page and choose Add Parameter from the context menu.

-- or --

  • Press the Add Parameter button on the page’s toolbar.

TestComplete will add a new row to the Parameters table. You can then enter the desired values in the table cells.

Modifying Parameters
  • Click the cell you would like to change and edit the cell value using the in-place editor.
Changing Parameter Order

The order of parameters in the editor is important, because it defines the parameter order that will be used to execute the keyword test from scripts (see Running Keyword Tests). To change the order:

  • Right-click the desired parameter in the table.
  • Select Move Up or Move Down from the context menu to move the parameter up or down in the list.

-- or --

  • Select the desired parameter in the table.
  • Press the Move Up or Move Down button on the page’s toolbar to move the parameter up or down in the list.
Deleting Parameters
  • Right-click the desired parameter on the Parameters page and choose Delete from the context menu.

For complete information on keyword test parameters, see Keyword Test Parameters.

See Also

About Keyword Testing
About Keyword Test Editor
Keyword Test Parameters

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