Features Added to TestComplete 9.20

Applies to TestComplete 14.20, last modified on September 11, 2019

This topic describes the changes made to TestComplete 9.20. For information on the changes made to other versions of the product, see Version History.

Monitoring Application and Computer Performance

TestComplete version 9.20 supports performance counters that help you monitor various performance metrics of tested applications and computers. For instance, you can trace the CPU and memory usage or check the request processing speed on an ASP.NET server. For information on available metrics, see Counter Reference.

To specify the counters to be monitored, you use the new Performance Counters group of project properties. You can find it on the Properties page of the project editor.

TestComplete monitors the chosen metrics during the test execution and shows them on the new Performance Counters page of the test log after the test run is over.

Support for Google Chrome 24

You can now automate web testing using the most recent version of Google Chrome - version 24.

Note: New versions of Google Chrome are released frequently. Support for newer Chrome versions is provided by patches available for download from the SmartBear web site:

Google Chrome Patches

Support for Embarcadero RAD Studio X3

TestComplete now enables you to automate testing of Delphi and C++Builder applications created with RAD Studio XE3, including 64-bit Delphi applications.

More Supported Controls

  • Ext JS controls. TestComplete now supports a set of Sencha Ext JS controls: buttons, sliders, check boxes, radio fields, and others. See Supported Sencha Ext JS Controls.

  • WPF Ribbon. TestComplete version 9.20 supports the new WPF Ribbon control included in Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.

Tracing Web Service Events

TestComplete 9.20 supports two new events -- OnWebServiceRequest and OnWebServiceResponse -- to help you perform specific actions on sending SOAP requests to and on receiving responses from the tested web service. Create event handlers for these events to access and modify the data of outgoing SOAP requests and check the contents of incoming responses. You can also use helper objects that are available within these event handlers to easily add custom headers to SOAP messages.

More Improvements

  • Selecting a browser depending on the URL of the requested page. In order to reduce ambiguous recognition issues, when working with several browsers running simultaneously, TestComplete can now select the browser on the basis of the URL of the requested web page. If the current browser does not contain the page with the specified URL, whereas another browser displays this page, TestComplete automatically assigns that browser as the current browser for the web test.

  • Data generator improvements:

    • Creating user-defined data generators. In TestComplete, you can use about 20 built-in generators to produce test data for your projects. Now you can save the desired generator type and its settings to a user-defined generator. This will free you from setting generator parameters next time you need to get similar test data. For more information, see Working With User-Defined Data Generators.

    • User interface improvements. The Data Generator wizard and the Generate Data dialog have been redesigned to make the use of data generators easier.

  • Removing project items bound to source control systems from within TestComplete IDE. Now, if your project is bound to a source control system and you remove an item from this project, TestComplete asks you whether you want to remove the corresponding file (or files) from the source control system. If you approve the request and your source control system supports this operation, TestComplete removes the file.

  • Region checkpoint enhancements. Now you can edit a region checkpoint’s comparison options (pixel tolerance, color tolerance and so on) and specify a comparison mask via the Region Checkpoint wizard even if the window or control, whose image you want to verify, does not exist in the system. In earlier versions, in order to edit a region checkpoint’s options, you always had to have the test window or control in the system.

  • New mode for displaying image differences. During the test run, TestComplete posts actual and expected images of tested windows and controls to the test log. The test log’s Picture panel has a button that activates the comparison mode. Earlier versions of TestComplete displayed differences between images using red pixels on white background. In certain cases, this view mode made image analysis difficult as it was hard to bind differences to the image contents. In version 9.20 the situation has been improved. The new version offers three view modes for displaying differences: red pixels on light background, red pixels on dark background, red pixels on white background (as it was in earlier product versions). The new modes help you easily see differences and find where they reside within the image. You can choose the desired mode using the new View Comparison Results items of the Picture panel’s toolbar. By default, TestComplete uses red pixels on light background.

  • Improved product performance when using a Name Mapping file shared between several projects in a project suite.

  • A number of bugs have been fixed.

Backward Compatibility and Conversion Notes

The aqObjProperty.Access property’s behavior has changed. The values returned by the Access property of the aqObjProperty object have changed relative to earlier versions of TestComplete. If your tests use this property, you have to update them. For information on the new values, see the property description.

See Also

Version History

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