Features Added to TestComplete 9.10

Applies to TestComplete 14.20, last modified on September 11, 2019

This topic describes the changes made to TestComplete 9.10. For information on the changes made to other versions of the product, see Version History.

New Supported Technologies and Applications

  • Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012 support. You can now record and run tests on Microsoft Windows 8 (both 32-bit and 64-bit versions) and Windows Server 2012 to verify that your applications are ready for the most recent versions of Windows.

    Note: Only desktop applications are supported by this release. Testing of Modern UI (Metro) applications is not supported.
  • Support for Microsoft Visual Studio 2012. TestComplete version 9.10 introduces support for applications created in Visual Studio 2012. This means that --

    • You can record and play back tests against C#, Visual Basic .NET and Visual C++ applications created with Visual Studio 2012. TestComplete also gives you access to native objects, methods and properties of these applications.

    • You can integrate TestComplete projects into and run them as part of Visual Studio 2012 test projects.

    • You can create work items and post bug reports to the Visual Studio 2012 Team Foundation System database directly from the TestComplete IDE or from your tests.

  • .NET Framework 4.5 support. You can now automate testing of .NET and WPF applications that target the latest version of .NET Framework.

  • ClickOnce application support. TestComplete now includes built-in support for testing ClickOnce deployed applications. For more information, see Testing ClickOnce Applications.

Web Testing and Cross-Browser Testing Enhancements

  • Internet Explorer 10 support. Web tests can now be recorded and executed in Internet Explorer 10 (both 32-bit and 64-bit versions).

    Note: Only the desktop version of Internet Explorer is supported by this release. Modern UI (Metro) version is not supported.
  • Support for Firefox 14-16 and Chrome 22. You can now automate web testing using the most recent versions of Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome.

  • CSS selectors support. TestComplete 9.10 includes the new QuerySelector and QuerySelectorAll methods that let you find one or more web page elements using CSS selectors. See Finding Web Objects Using CSS Selectors.

  • Better cross-browser tests:

    • New Browser Loop operation lets you run a keyword test using all browsers installed on the computer.

    • More flexible browser checks. The If Browser operation has been improved to let you check the browser version and bitness.

    • Support for tests that install or uninstall web browsers. If you install or uninstall browsers as part of your tests, use the new Browsers.Refresh method to update the TestComplete browser collection. You should call this method before launching a browser, navigating to a web page or performing any other browser-related operations after the installation or uninstallation is over.

  • Improved XPath search:

    • The EvaluateXPath method is now supported not only by Page objects, but by all web page elements. Also, this method now has a new SearchInFrames parameter that controls whether objects should be searched for in frames.

    • The new FindChildByXPath method lets you find a single object that matches the specified XPath expression.

  • Web navigation improvements:

    • Keyword test operations and scripting methods that navigate to web pages (the Run Browser and Navigate operations, the BrowserInfo.Run, BrowserInfo.Navigate, ToUrl and NavigateTo methods) include the following improvements:

      • They have a new parameter that lets you adjust the web page loading timeout. The default timeout is specified by the Web page loading timeout property of your test project.

      • If web page navigation was successful, an event message is now posted to the test log.

      • If web page navigation failed, the operation fails and posts an error message to the test log.

    • The Page.Wait method now has a new WaitTime parameter that lets you adjust the web page loading timeout.

    • The Navigate operation now has an option to use the current web browser (the one previously launched by the test).

  • Improved recording of web tests that use multiple browser tabs.

  • Getting and setting web testing options from tests. You can now get or modify the Identification attribute and Web page loading timeout project settings from your tests using the Options.Web.IdentificationAttribute and Options.Web.WebPageLoadingTimeout properties.

Enhanced Web Service Testing

  • User authentication support. TestComplete 9.10 enables you to test web services that use Basic, certificate, Windows and NTLM authentication. For more information, see Specifying Web Service Credentials.

  • WCF Net.TCP support. TestComplete now supports testing WCF web services that communicate with clients via the Net.TCP network protocol.

  • Selecting API for web service testing. In TestComplete 9.10 you can choose the API (.NET or native) to be used for calling methods of the web service under test. For this purpose, use the new Preferred Web Service API option.

Running TestComplete Tests in HP Quality Center

TestComplete includes a new HP Quality Center Integration plugin that lets you export TestComplete tests to a Quality Center project and run them as part of this project. For complete information on this, see TestComplete Connector for HP Quality Center.

Important: The plugin is licensed separately from TestComplete. To use the plugin, you need to purchase a license key for it and then activate the plugin with the key. For detailed information, see Activating the TestComplete Quality Center Connector and Its License.

New Supported Controls

  • Tooltip support. TestComplete 9.10 adds support for Windows tooltip and balloon controls and lets you get and verify their text.

  • Enhanced support for Developer Express controls. TestComplete now provides support for the latest version of the Developer Express XtraVerticalGrid and XtraTreeList controls - 2012 vol 1.

  • Enhanced support for Telerik Silverlight controls. TestComplete now provides support for the latest versions of the Telerik Silverlight controls - Q3 2011 and Q1 2012.

Data-Driven Testing Improvements

  • SQL queries in DB Table variables. DBTable variables used for parameterizing tests now have an option to retrieve data from a database with an SQL query. You can write query code or construct it visually with the built-in SQL Designer.

  • Moving to the first record of DDTDriver. The new DDTDriver.First method lets you move the data driver pointer to the first record in the data set.

  • More formatting options for generated data. The Custom String generator now offers new formatting settings for generated values. For example, you can pad numbers with leading zeros or generate hexadecimal numbers. See Format Specifiers.

Checkpoint Improvements

  • Improved property checkpoints:

    • New property checks. Property checkpoints provide new options to check whether a property value is part of a given string. For example, you can verify a property value against a comma-separated list of possible values.

    • Updating property checkpoints from the test log. You can now update parameters of failed property checkpoints with runtime values by clicking a link in the checkpoint’s Additional Information in the test log. See Updating Property Checkpoints.

    • Viewing the checkpoint’s target object. The context menu of the Property Checkpoint keyword test operation now contains commands that let you view the operation’s target object on screen, in the Object Browser and the Name Mapping editor.

  • Verifying changing image areas. TestComplete now supports checking arbitrary image areas that dynamically change during the test run (for example, window areas that change appearance after some time). For this purpose, TestComplete repeatedly captures an image of the specified area until it matches the expected image.

    In manually written checkpoint code, you should use the new Regions.CreateRegionInfo method to create a definition of the changing area and insert it into the checkpoint as follows:

    Regions.ExpectedImage.Check(Regions.CreateRegionsInfo(Object, area_coordinates)))

    Note that this is needed only when checking a specific area inside an object, not when checking the image of the entire object.

Source Control Integration Improvements

  • Opening projects from source control. You can now open test projects directly from source control. When you do this, TestComplete will automatically retrieves the latest version of project files to the location you specify. For more information, see Opening Projects From Source Control (Legacy).

  • Resolving Subversion conflicts. TestComplete now lets you choose how to resolve conflicts that might occur while merging a file version from a Subversion repository with the local copy of the file. See the Resolve Conflict Dialog topic for details.

Keyword Testing Improvements

  • Easier insertion of calls to other tests. You can now add calls to other test types to a keyword test by dragging and dropping needed tests from the Project Explorer or Code Explorer.

  • More types of custom keyword test operations. You can now create custom conditional, loop and grouping keyword test operations with script extensions. For more information, see Creating Conditional, Loop and Group Operations.

Tested Application Enhancements

  • Enhanced TestedApps editor. The TestedApps editor was redesigned to allow easier editing of tested application parameters.

  • Flexible tested application paths. TestComplete now provides you with more flexible options for specifying the tested application paths. You can choose whether to use the fully-qualified path or a relative path to the project folder or change your selection at any time.

    In addition, you can choose to replace path components with corresponding environment variables. This allows you to define computer-independent paths for shared test projects. You can customize default environment variables used for path substitution in Tools | Options | Engines | Tested Applications.

  • The new TestedApps.AddBrowser method lets you add a web browser to the Tested Applications collection.

Distributed Testing and Network Suite Improvements

  • Configuring ports for distributed testing. The new TCP ports for remote connections option lets you customize ports used for communication between test computers. You can adjust ports to fit your network requirements or avoid conflicts with other network-aware software.

  • Waiting for remote computers’ availability. The Host.Verify method now lets you adjust the timeout to wait for the specified remote computer.

Other Changes

  • Better support for enumeration values. If a property or parameter is of an enumeration type, the Object Browser, Object Spy and the Inspect window now display the enumeration member name rather than its value.

  • External project item indication. The Project Explorer panel displays the glyph for items that are located outside of the project’s folder on the hard drive. These items can be the ones that are shared among several test projects and deleting them will make these projects non-functional.

  • Caching DLL object references between test runs. The new ClearSettingsBeforeEachRun scripting option controls whether DLL object references are preserved between runs of a test project, test items and individual tests. For more information, see Calling DLL Functions From Tests.

  • Enhanced reading of application debug information. The new Combine class definitions from different modules project property controls whether TestComplete merges information about application classes of the same name located in different binary modules, assuming it is the same class.

  • The Recording toolbar now has the same look and feel on different Windows versions for more consistent user experience.

  • The Report Generator utility supplied along with TestComplete can now attach to system processes.

  • The wExpanded, wItem, wItemCount, wRootItem and wRootItemCount properties of the test object corresponding to standard Windows tree views have become obsolete. They are supported for backward compatibility only and should no longer be used in new test projects. Instead, use the TreeViewItem.Expanded, TreeViewItem.Text and TreeViewItemCollection.Count properties.

  • The TestedApps.ItemName.Params.WebParams property has became obsolete and is supported only for backward compatibility. Instead, use the TestedApps.AddBrowser method to add a web browser to the Tested Applications and the BrowserTestedApp object to specify the browser and web page parameters.

  • A number of bugs have been fixed.

See Also

Version History

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