Features Added to TestComplete 6.50

Applies to TestComplete 14.20, last modified on September 11, 2019

This topic describes the changes made to TestComplete 6.50. For information on the changes made to other versions of the product, see Version History.

  • Script extensions are a new light-weight but powerful technique that allows you to create plugins for TestComplete using the VBScript and JScript scripting languages. These plugins can provide new scripting objects and add new record-time and design-time commands to TestComplete toolbars.

    With script extensions, you can easily create custom checkpoints and scripting objects, generate custom object validation code, display test creation tutorials, and perform many other useful actions. To learn how you can create script extensions, see the Script Extensions section.

    TestComplete now comes with a script extension package that provides clipboard and manual checkpoints and the WMI object.

  • New scripting objects. TestComplete 6.50 adds new scripting objects that help you work with files and folders, string and date-time values and perform many other useful operations:

    • aqConvert - Lets you convert various data types.
    • aqDateTime - Lets you perform various operations over the date and time values.
    • aqEnvironment - Lets you obtain information about the operating system, TestComplete plugins set, and so on.
    • aqFile - Lets you manage files as well as read from and write to text and binary files.
    • aqFileSystem - Lets you obtain information about drives, folders and files as well as to add, modify and remove files and folders.
    • aqObject - Provides a unified way of accessing objects’ members at run time.
    • aqString - Lets you perform various operations on string values.

    Most of these objects’ functionality was imported from the BuiltIn and Utilities objects. The corresponding BuiltIn and Utilities members have now become obsolete and are supported for backward compatibility only.

  • XML checkpoint setup from scripts. The XML object has three new methods:

  • Better customization of user forms. The new Style property of form controls allows you to change the font and background color.

  • Better control over user forms. Two new methods have been added to the UserForm object:

    • ResetForm - Resets the state of the form and its controls to the state that they had before the test started.
    • SetFocus - Activates the form.

    User form controls also have the SetFocus method, so it is now possible to activate specific controls programmatically on demand.

  • The AddNamedChild method now has a new parameter, StoreCodeCompletionInfo. It specifies whether TestComplete should store information about the object’s members when mapping the object, so that its methods and properties are displayed in the Code Completion window. This parameter is a scripting analogue to the TestComplete Store Code Completion information option.

  • The Execute evaluated functions option was removed from the Code Editor - Debugging settings. TestComplete now always executes functions called in the expression that you evaluate in the Code Editor (see Evaluating Expressions).

  • In earlier version of TestComplete, the XML collection of the Stores project item could contain items of two types: XMLCheckpoint and XMLDocument. Items of both types stored XML documents, but the XMLCheckpoint element also stored a set of verification settings.

    In version 6.50, the XMLDocument type has been removed and now the XML collection can only contain the XMLCheckpoint elements. So, to store XML data in your project, use the XMLCheckpoint elements and ignore the verification settings.

    The XMLDocument elements are automatically converted to the XMLCheckpoint type when your project is opened in TestComplete version 6.50. The converter only changes the element’s type, but not the name or data, so you do not have to update your existing tests.

  • A number of bugs have been fixed.

See Also

Version History

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