Bug Fixes in TestComplete 14.0

Applies to TestComplete 14.20, last modified on September 11, 2019

The following bugs reported by our customers have been fixed in TestComplete 14.0.


  • Fixed: Upon launching TestComplete (or TestExecute) on Windows 10, the "An app default was reset" error could occur.

  • Fixed: It could take much time for TestComplete (or TestExecute) to start on a computer that did not have access to the SmartBear statistics server.

  • Fixed: An operating system could report a fatal system error ("BSOD") upon running TestComplete in a VDI environment.

  • Fixed: Sometimes, TestComplete Service could fail to start after a system reboot.

  • Fixed: TestComplete could exit unexpectedly right after the launch.

  • Fixed: The licensing subsystem could identify a physical machine running under Windows 10 as a virtual machine.

  • Fixed: TestComplete (and TestExecute) could exit unexpectedly right after the start because of licensing subsystem issues.

  • Fixed: TestComplete could exit unexpectedly upon showing the Code Completion window.

  • Fixed: In keyword tests, the list of images that the inline editor of the Region Checkpoint operation showed was not sorted.

  • Fixed: TestComplete could exit unexpectedly when renaming an event handler via the Event Control editor.

  • Fixed: TestComplete could exit unexpectedly upon renaming a test item.

  • Fixed: TestComplete could exit unexpectedly upon renaming a keyword test.

  • Fixed: Upon changing the DPI setting of the monitor or dragging the TestComplete window to a monitor with a different DPI, the TestComplete UI could show some panels and editors in the Workspace area incorrectly.

  • Fixed: When exploring the object hierarchy loaded from a snapshot in the Object Browser, the list of properties of top-level objects could be displayed incorrectly.

  • Fixed: After a TestComplete update, the Record Keyword Test button could append recorded user actions to a current test instead of creating a new test.

  • Fixed: Upon starting test recording on Windows 10, TestComplete could stop responding or exit unexpectedly.

  • Fixed: During the test run, the TestComplete window could unexpectedly restore its position on the screen instead of staying minimized until the test run was over.

  • Fixed: During the test run, the Edge web browser could start unexpectedly.

  • Fixed: Performance issues when using the Find method on Windows 10 October 2018 Update.

  • Fixed: TestComplete could unexpectedly report the "The RPC server is unavailable" error during the test run.

  • Fixed: TestComplete (or TestExecute) could exit unexpectedly if it had been running tests for several hours.

  • Fixed: When running an image-based test, TestComplete could exit unexpectedly when trying to simulate a user action over an object recognized by its image if the appropriate image was removed from the Image repository.

  • Fixed: Graphic artifacts on the screen after the test run.

  • Fixed: Upon closing TestComplete, it could stop responding or report a fatal error.

Data-Driven Testing

  • Fixed: When running a data-driven test that got data from an Excel file, TestComplete could exit unexpectedly upon rerunning the test.

  • Fixed: TestComplete could exit unexpectedly when accessing a database via the DBTable variable.

Desktop Application Testing

  • Fixed: In Delphi applications in grid controls, TestComplete could not access values in columns of the FMTBCD type.

  • Fixed: A 64-bit Delphi application could exit unexpectedly when exploring its internal objects in the Object Browser or Object Spy.

  • Fixed: TestComplete could record user actions over a .NET application incorrectly, for instance, it could record single mouse clicks as double-clicks or record keyboard input as a sequence of separate keystrokes for each key.

  • Fixed: Performance issues if UI Automation was used to access internal objects of a tested application.

  • Fixed: Code Completion could show incorrect information on objects of an external DLL accessed via the dotNET object.

  • Fixed: TestComplete could exit unexpectedly when calling a function from an external DLL.

  • Fixed: If, during the test run, tcHostingProcess.exe that is a helper process for calling routines from external DLLs exited unexpectedly, the dotNet object became unavailable for further tests until TestComplete was restarted.

  • Fixed: During the test recording, upon capturing a tested application launch and adding the application to the project, TestComplete could set the format of the application location incorrectly.

  • Fixed: A tested Visual Basic application could stop responding if it was launched from TestComplete.

Web Testing

  • Fixed: Performance issues when returning the value of the contentText property of web objects in Chrome.

  • Fixed: Performance issues when exploring a tested web page with multiple dynamic elements by using the Object Spy.

  • Fixed: When running tests in Chrome, TestComplete could fail to simulate user actions on supported Telerik ASP.NET controls or to get their properties if those controls resided in a frame.

  • Fixed: When recording tests in Chrome, TestComplete could exit unexpectedly when recoding actions over a web element with the name attribute set to action.

  • Fixed: If there were several tabs opened in Chrome, TestComplete could highlight objects in tabs other than the first tab incorrectly.

  • Fixed: TestComplete could fail to recognize objects in a web application running in Chrome if zoom styling or zoom transformation was used in the application.

  • Fixed: The Object Spy could not select polymer controls in CEF applications and web applications running in Chrome.

  • Fixed: A tested CEF application launched from TestComplete could stop responding.

  • Fixed: A tested CEF application could stop responding after being launched from TestComplete.

  • Fixed: TestComplete was not able to access objects in a web browser instance launched from a tested Electron application.

  • Fixed: TestComplete could report an unexpected error when evaluating XPath of a web element in Edge.

  • Fixed: During the test recording in Internet Explorer, a drop-down menu of a combo box opened on a click would close immediately.

  • Fixed: If a tested web page had the overflow property set to visible, TestComplete could not highlight elements rendered outside of the page or simulate user actions on them properly, and scrolled the page unexpectedly.

  • Fixed: When simulating a click on a combo box item on a web page in Internet Explorer, if the combo box was not visible on the page, TestComplete failed to scroll the page to make the combo box visible.

Mobile Testing

  • Fixed: TestComplete could exit unexpectedly when opening a list of mobile devices after connecting an untrusted iOS device to the computer.

  • Fixed: The VisibleOnScreen property of some objects in tested iOS applications could return an incorrect value preventing TestComplete from highlighting those objects and simulating user actions on them properly.

  • Fixed: The Mobile Screen window could not show some pop-up windows in tested iOS applications.

  • Fixed: TestComplete could not launch iOS applications with non-English characters in their names.

  • Fixed: TestComplete could not access internal objects of a tested application running on Android after the device orientation was changed.

  • Fixed: It was not possible to install the Android Agent on a device if there were connection issues with the device.

  • Fixed: TestComplete could fail to connect to Android devices if the latest versions of Android SDK were installed on the computer.

  • Fixed: The Mobile Troubleshooter in TestExecute could exit unexpectedly.

Mobile Web Testing

  • Fixed: TestComplete could not properly recognize hybrid applications created with the Angular framework for Cordova.

  • Fixed: In hybrid applications, text input in frames was not recorded if the frames were loaded after the recording had started.

  • Fixed: On web pages opened in a web browser emulator, mouse clicks could be simulated with an offset.

  • Fixed: During the test recording, the SmartBear Browser for Android could exit unexpectedly.

  • Fixed: During the test recording, a tested hybrid application may become unavailable.

  • Fixed: TestComplete did not record clicks on input boxes on web pages in hybrid applications.

  • Fixed: During the test run, TestComplete could not simulate selecting an item from a combo box on a web page opened in a mobile web browser emulator.

Name Mapping

  • Fixed: During the test run, TestComplete could unexpectedly report the "Search for a mapped object took too much time" warning for an object with which it had already interacted.

  • Fixed: Performance issues when recording and editing tests, adding checkpoints, exploring and editing the Name Mapping repository.

  • Fixed: Performance issues when editing operations in keyword tests if the Name Mapping is used in the project.

  • Fixed: If an object added to the Name Mapping repository used a variable as its identification criteria, TestComplete could stop responding when editing a keyword test operation working with that object.

  • Fixed: If the Store Code Completion data was enabled in TestComplete, the size of the Name Mapping repository file could be very large and grow very fast, and it could take much time for TestComplete (or TestExecute) to open a project containing the Name Mapping repository, or the product could fail to open such a project and exit unexpectedly.

  • Fixed: The Parent property was not available to be used as a mapping criterion.

  • Fixed: TestComplete could exit unexpectedly when merging Name Mapping repository files.


  • Fixed: The Property Checkpoint wizard showed some OleValue properties incorrectly as simple values.


  • Fixed: During the test debugging, the Locals panel could stop responding when trying to evaluate a variable containing a JScript array.

Distributed Testing

  • Fixed: If a task in a distributed test had the same name as the host on which it ran, upon deleting a job containing that task, the Address column of the host in the Hosts editor was cleared.


  • Fixed: TestComplete could not run tests in CrossBrowserTesting environments if the password of the account used to run tests included unsupported symbols.

Integration With Other Tools

  • Fixed: It was not possible to run TestComplete tests on several Jenkins nodes in parallel by using a pipeline.

  • Fixed: When running tests on a Jenkins node, TestComplete (or TestExecute) could stop responding upon launching a tested application.

  • Fixed: When running tests on Jenkins nodes, TestComplete (or TestExecute) could be terminated unexpectedly with the "Test Runner exit code: -8" error.

See Also

What's New in TestComplete 14.20
Version History

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