Bug Fixes in TestComplete 12.60

Applies to TestComplete 14.20, last modified on September 11, 2019

The following bugs reported by our customers have been fixed in TestComplete 12.60.


  • Fixed: TestComplete could exit unexpectedly when a user selected the Web service testing item in the Create New Project wizard.

  • Fixed: It could take a lot of time for TestComplete to open a project containing many (several hundred or more) keyword tests.

  • Fixed: TestComplete exited unexpectedly if the Tab stop columns option of the Code Editor was set to 0.

  • Fixed: TestComplete could exit unexpectedly when a user added an existing image set file to the Image repository.

  • Fixed: TestComplete could stop responding if SentinelOne software was running in the system.

  • Fixed: The parameters specified for the RunAs mode of a tested application were lost after re-opening a project.

  • Fixed: TestComplete could stop responding when exporting manual tests to Microsoft Word.

  • Fixed: TestComplete could exit unexpectedly upon closing the Find or Replace dialog.

  • Fixed: TestComplete did not highlight objects on screen if the Delay between events property of the current project was set to 1000 milliseconds.

  • Fixed: The Sys.CPU method returned an incorrect CPU brand on 64-bit systems.

  • Fixed: TestComplete could stop responding, and then could exit unexpectedly during the test run.

  • Fixed: Sometimes, TestComplete showed a non-zero number of errors in the test log despite the log contained no errors and the test was marked as passed.

  • Fixed: TestComplete could exit unexpectedly when closing a project.

  • Fixed: Sometimes, TestComplete could not start, or it could exit unexpectedly upon starting.

Desktop Application Testing

  • Fixed: TestComplete could record redundant clicks for buttons and radio buttons in a tested application.

  • Fixed: Sometimes, TestComplete could not access a popup menu in a tested application.

  • Fixed: Sometimes, TestComplete estimated the size of a tested control incorrectly and failed to simulate user actions on it.

  • Fixed: TestComplete failed to simulate a ClickItem method on a Win32 ComboBox control.

  • Fixed: TestComplete could not access grid cells of the FmtBcd (binary coded decimal) type in Delphi applications.

  • Fixed: TestComplete could exit unexpectedly when recording tests for WPF applications.

  • Fixed: TestComplete and the tested Delphi or C++Builder application could exit unexpectedly during the test run if the Debug run mode was used.

  • Fixed: After simulating a user action on a control in a Java application, TestComplete could try to get that control again.

Web Testing

  • Fixed: TestComplete could exit unexpectedly when handling Web Testing events.

  • Fixed: Unexpected errors could occur when accessing Telerik controls in a web application.

  • Fixed: Sometimes, the Browser.Page.Close method posted an error message to the test log, though the page had been closed successfully.

  • Fixed: Performance issues when recording user actions on a UL web element in Google Chrome.

  • Fixed: In some cases, during test recording, the SmartBear Test Extension was reported as disabled in Google Chrome while it was enabled.

  • Fixed: TestComplete could not recognize the Alert, Confirm, and Prompt dialogs in Chrome version 68.

  • Fixed: TestComplete failed to highlight objects in Chrome correctly if the display DPI scale was set to a value other than 100%.

  • Fixed: The error “The window was destroyed during the method execution” occurred when running tests in Google Chrome.

  • Fixed: When running tests in Chrome, TestComplete did not scroll a web page to the tested web element.

  • Fixed: When a user was inspecting SVG objects in Edge with TestComplete, Edge could exit unexpectedly.

  • Fixed: Both TestComplete and Internet Explorer could stop responding, and then could exit unexpectedly when a user got objects in Internet Explorer by using the EvaluateXPath method.

  • Fixed: Sometimes, TestComplete could not access a web element in Edge and Internet Explorer if the element's name was the same as the name of one of the properties of the XML DOM element object.

  • Fixed: TestComplete could exit unexpectedly when running web tests in Firefox.

  • Fixed: Object Spy could not expose tested applications created with CEF versions prior to 3.2623.

Mobile Testing

  • Fixed: Performance issues that occurred when running tests on mobile devices with connection issues.

  • Fixed: TestComplete was unable to set the position of a ScrollView control in iOS applications.

  • Fixed: The ActionSheet control was missing from the object hierarchy of tested iOS applications in the Object Browser.

  • Fixed: A tested iOS application could exit unexpectedly during test recording.

  • Fixed: TestComplete could stop responding when calling a Touch method of the TableViewCell object in an iOS application.

  • Fixed: When getting the caption of a PickerView item in an iOS application, the wItem method reported an unexpected error.

  • Fixed: A tested Android application could exit unexpectedly when TestComplete updated information on the object hierarchy in the application.

  • Fixed: TestExecute could exit unexpectedly if the mobile device to which it was installing Android Agent was disconnected.

  • Fixed: If an object in a tested Android application was overlapped by a transparent control, its VisibleOnScreen property returned False instead of True.

  • Fixed: If the Deploy on device on start option was enabled for a tested Android application, the application could exit unexpectedly after being reinstalled on the device by TestComplete.

Mobile Web Testing

  • Fixed: SmartBearBrowser could not be installed on iOS devices.

  • Fixed: Performance issues when running tests in SmartBearBrowser on Android devices.


  • Fixed: After recording a script test, TestComplete could exit unexpectedly when processing the recorded commands.

  • Fixed: TestComplete could exit unexpectedly when a user collapsed and expanded code blocks in the Code Editor.

  • Fixed: Sometimes, auto-formatting was applied to comments in the Code Editor.

  • Fixed: TestComplete could stop responding, and then could exit unexpectedly when a user was editing script tests in the Code Editor while the Code Explorer extension was enabled.

  • Fixed: The code generated automatically in JavaScript projects for creating objects of data types that WebService project items specify was incorrect.

  • Fixed: TestComplete could exit unexpectedly when importing functions from one JavaScript unit to another.

  • Fixed: Sometimes, the Runner.CallObjectMethodAsync method worked incorrectly in JavaScript tests.

  • Fixed: A call to the XMLDOMDocument.async property was parsed incorrectly in Python script tests.

  • Fixed: An unexpected error occurred when calling the Log.Error method with the Picture parameter specified in DelphiScript tests.

Name Mapping

  • Fixed: When adding an object to the Name Mapping repository, the Object Name Mapping wizard could show object properties that are not supported by TestComplete.


  • Fixed: Performance issues when creating property checkpoints and selecting objects on screen.

  • Fixed: When the Create Manual Checkpoint wizard was invoked, it could be overlapped by the tested application.

  • Fixed: The "Operation was interrupted by the user" error could occur when creating region checkpoints.

  • Fixed: A property checkpoint could fail if the validated property was changed to its expected value while a check was being performed.

  • Fixed: When creating a checkpoint, TestComplete could exit unexpectedly after a user selected an object in the web browser if the web page had been reloaded.

  • Fixed: Property checkpoints and the Compare Property test command returned incorrect results when checking whether a DataTime value contains a substring.

  • Fixed: TestComplete could stop responding when creating a database checkpoint or a database table variable if the appropriate provider could not get proper data from the database.


  • Fixed: Sometimes, TestComplete could exit unexpectedly during script debugging.

  • Fixed: TestComplete could exit unexpectedly when evaluating local variables in JavaScript tests during test debugging.

  • Fixed: TestComplete could run slowly, stop responding or exit unexpectedly during test debugging when evaluating values in the Watch List and Locals panels.

  • Fixed: During test debugging, when evaluating two-dimensional arrays in VBScript code, the Locals and Watch List panels reported the "Subscript is out of range" error.

Distributed Testing

  • Fixed: TestComplete was unable to create a user session and to connect to a remoter computer if its full domain name was used.

  • Fixed: TestComplete could exit unexpectedly when verifying a remote computer.


  • Fixed: TestComplete could exit unexpectedly when working with the CrossBrowserTesting environment manager.

Integration With Other Tools

  • Fixed: Performance issues when creating and recording tests in a project bound to a Git or Mercurial repository.

  • Fixed: If a project was bound to a Team Foundation Version Control repository, and the Name Mapping file was checked out by clicking OK in the “To perform this action, you need to check out the 'NameMapping' item” message, an error could occur, or TestComplete could mark the Name Mapping file as unversioned.

  • Fixed: If some Visualizer frame was deleted from a test, its status in Team Foundation Version Control was incorrectly set to Modified.

  • Fixed: If Microsoft Test Agent was installed on the computer, the Team Foundation Version Control plugin could not determine the path to TFVC correctly.

  • Fixed: An error could occur, or TestComplete could exit unexpectedly upon viewing images in the Commit dialog when a user submitted changes to a Git repository from TestComplete.

  • Fixed: TestComplete could exit unexpectedly when a user enabled the TestComplete Connector for HP Quality Center extension.

See Also

What's New in TestComplete 14.20
Version History

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