Testing Oracle Forms - Overview

Applies to TestComplete 14.20, last modified on September 11, 2019

In TestComplete, you can create and run tests for Oracle Forms. TestComplete recognizes Oracle Forms running in a Java EE container inside a web page or out-of-browser (by using Java Web Start).

  • Testing Oracle Forms is similar to testing Java applications. See Testing Java Applications to learn more about Java testing specifics.

  • Support for Java Web Start has been removed from Java version 11.

You can record and play back user actions on Oracle Forms. When you are playing back a test, TestComplete repeats all the recorded actions you performed during test recording. You can also create tests manually, from scratch.

TestComplete can access the internals of Oracle Forms:

Oracle Forms in the TestComplete Object Browser

Click the image to enlarge it.

TestComplete recognizes individual GUI elements of Oracle Forms as Java objects and provides special properties and methods for simulating user actions on them. It also provides special objects for a number of Oracle Forms controls. In addition, TestComplete provides access to native properties and methods of Oracle Forms controls.

The sections below describe the specifics of testing Oracle Forms:

Supported Oracle Forms Versions

You can test applets created with the following versions of Oracle Forms:

  • Oracle Forms 12c

  • Oracle Forms 11g

You can also test Oracle Forms-based applications included in Oracle E-Business Suite (EBS) 12.1 and 12.2.

You can test applets that run —

  • On a web page,

  • Out-of-browser, by using Java Web Start.


Support for Java applet and Web Start has been removed from Java version 11.

Requirements for Testing Oracle Forms

  • A license for the TestComplete Desktop module.

  • The Oracle Forms Control Support plugin.

    This plugin is installed and enabled automatically.

Note: Testing of Oracle Forms applications running with Java 9 is not supported.

To learn more about the requirements TestComplete must meet to test Oracle Forms, and how to prepare your testing environment for testing, see Requirements for Testing Oracle Forms.

Creating and Recording Tests for Oracle Forms

You can record and play back user actions on forms, or you can create tests manually from scratch.

When you record a test, you interact with the tested form as an end user would: populate form fields, click buttons and so on. TestComplete captures all the actions you are performing and adds them to your test.

A test consists of a sequence of operations that define various interactions with objects on the tested form. For example, in the sample test below you can see that item selection from a pop list is represented by the ClickItem operation, clicking a button - by the ClickButton operation, and so on:

Sample keyword test recorded against an Oracle Forms applet
Sample keyword test recorded against an Oracle Forms applet

JavaScript, JScript

function Test()

  var app = Aliases.jp2launcher;
  var formDesktopContainer = app.frame0.Main0.MDIContainer.FormDesktopContainer;
  var ewtContainer = formDesktopContainer.EwtContainer;

  ewtContainer.VTextField0.Click(29, 10);
  ewtContainer.VTextField1.Click(15, 8);
  ewtContainer.VTextField2.Click(22, 10);

  var drawnPanel = formDesktopContainer.ExtendedFrame.DrawnPanel;
  drawnPanel.VButton0.ClickButton(69, 10);



def Test(): 
  app = Aliases.jp2launcher
  formDesktopContainer = app.frame0.Main0.MDIContainer.FormDesktopContainer
  ewtContainer = formDesktopContainer.EwtContainer
  ewtContainer.VTextField0.Click(29, 10)
  ewtContainer.VTextField1.Click(15, 8)
  ewtContainer.VTextField2.Click(22, 10)
  drawnPanel = formDesktopContainer.ExtendedFrame.DrawnPanel
  drawnPanel.VPopList0.Click(23, 13)
  drawnPanel.VButton0.Click(69, 10)


Sub Test

  Dim app
  Dim formDesktopContainer
  Dim ewtContainer
  Dim drawnPanel

  Set app = Aliases.jp2launcher
  Set formDesktopContainer = app.Main0.MDIContainer.FormDesktopContainer
  Set ewtContainer = formDesktopContainer.EwtContainer

  Call ewtContainer.VTextField0.Click(29, 10)
  Call ewtContainer.VTextField0.Keys("tester")
  Call ewtContainer.VTextField1.Click(15, 8)
  Call ewtContainer.VTextField1.Keys("password")
  Call ewtContainer.VTextField2.Click(22, 10)
  Call ewtContainer.VTextField2.Keys("test-db")
  Call ewtContainer.ButtonBar1.ClickItem("Connect")

  Set drawnPanel = formDesktopContainer.ExtendedFrame.DrawnPanel
  Call drawnPanel.VPopList0.ClickItem("Item1")
  Call drawnPanel.VButton0.ClickButton

End Sub


procedure Test();
var app, formDesktopContainer, ewtContainer, drawnPanel;

  app := Aliases.jp2launcher;
  formDesktopContainer := app.frame0.Main0.MDIContainer.FormDesktopContainer;
  ewtContainer := formDesktopContainer.EwtContainer;

  ewtContainer.VTextField0.Click(29, 10);
  ewtContainer.VTextField1.Click(15, 8);
  ewtContainer.VTextField2.Click(22, 10);

  drawnPanel := formDesktopContainer.ExtendedFrame.DrawnPanel;


C++Script, C#Script

function Test()

  var app = Aliases["jp2launcher"];
  var formDesktopContainer = app["frame0"]["Main0"]["MDIContainer"]["FormDesktopContainer"];
  var ewtContainer = formDesktopContainer["EwtContainer"];

  ewtContainer["VTextField0"]["Click"](29, 10);
  ewtContainer["VTextField1"]["Click"](15, 8);
  ewtContainer["VTextField2"]["Click"](22, 10);

  var drawnPanel = formDesktopContainer["ExtendedFrame"]["DrawnPanel"];


You can modify and enhance the recorded test in a number of ways to create more flexible and efficient tests. For example, you can:

  • Add new operations, reorder operations and modify their parameters.

  • Delete or disable unneeded operations (for example, superfluous operations).

  • Insert checkpoints for verifying objects and values in the tested application.

  • Create data-driven tests that run multiple test iterations using different sets of data.

Refer to the following topics to learn more about creating and enhancing tests:

Task See topic…
Creating tests using recording Recording Tests
Creating tests manually Keyword Testing and Scripting
Running tests Running Tests
Launching applications automatically at the beginning of the test run (for Oracle Forms applications that run out-of-browser, by using Java Web Start) Adding Java Web Start Applications to the List of Tested Applications and Running Tested Applications
Creating checkpoints for verifying application behavior and state Checkpoints
Running multiple test iterations using data from an external file Data-Driven Testing

About Oracle Forms Identification and Name Mapping

Each object in Oracle Forms has a number of properties, such as its location, text, type and so on. Some object properties are persistent and unchanging. TestComplete uses them to locate objects in applications and differentiate them among other objects.

When you record a test, TestComplete captures all the controls you interacted with during the recording session and adds them to the Name Mapping project item (also known as the object repository or GUI map). For each captured object, TestComplete does the following:

  • Selects a set of properties and values that uniquely identify the object and saves them to the Name Mapping repository as the object’s identification criteria. TestComplete will use these properties for locating the object during subsequent test recording, editing and run sessions.

  • Generates an alias (name) that it will use to refer to this object in tests. By default, TestComplete generates aliases based on object names that the application developers defined in the application's source code.

The following image shows sample Name Mapping for Oracle Forms controls:

Sample Name Mapping for Oracle Forms

Here, the VPopList object is identified by using the AWTComponentName property. The property holds the object name as the application developers defined it in the application’s source code.

You can also use other properties to locate objects in Oracle Forms, for example, their class name, text, and so on - whatever identifies the needed object best.

If needed, you can modify the default Name Mapping generated by TestComplete. For example, you can:

For more information, see Name Mapping.

Keep in mind that the object hierarchy in Name Mapping mirrors the object hierarchy in the tested application. When locating an object, TestComplete takes into account its entire parent hierarchy. If TestComplete cannot find any object in the parent hierarchy using the specified property values, it cannot find the target object as well. That is why it is important to select unique and unchanging properties for object identification.

About Support for Oracle Forms Controls

TestComplete recognizes individual controls of Oracle Forms. You can interact with them both at design time and during test recording and playback. TestComplete also provides extended support for a number of Oracle Forms controls. You use program objects that TestComplete provides for the controls, their methods and properties to automate user actions on the controls, get their state and so on. To learn more, see Support for Oracle Forms Controls.

You can also automate Oracle Forms controls by calling their native properties and methods (these are the same properties and methods that are available to the application developers). See Accessing Native Methods of Oracle Forms.

Viewing Object Properties, Fields and Methods

To see what operations (methods) are available to objects in your tested Oracle Forms applet, as well as the object properties, fields and their values, you can use the Object Browser or Object Spy. The available properties and methods include those provided by TestComplete, as well as native object fields and methods defined by the developers in the application’s source code.

You can view object properties, fields and methods both at design time and at runtime when the test is paused.

For more information on using the Object Browser, see Object Browser and Exploring Applications.

See Also

Testing Oracle Forms
Accessing Native Methods of Oracle Forms

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