Iterating Through Rows in Infragistics UltraGrid

Applies to TestComplete 14.20, last modified on September 11, 2019

This topic explains how you can iterate through rows of the Infragistics UltraGrid controls and save the data, that is displayed by the control, to an .XML file.

Iterating through grid rows means accessing them one by one. You may need to iterate through rows if you need to locate a particular row, or perform the same set of operations on each row. When you locate the desired row, you can obtain values of the row’s cells and save them to a file.

You can determine the total number of data rows in a particular grid view using the wRowCount property of the InfragisticsUltraGridView object, or using the Rows.Count property of an object corresponding to this view. Since the numeration of grid rows is zero-based, the index of the first grid row is 0, and the index of the last row is wRowCount - 1. Therefore, to iterate through the rows, a loop counter should increment from 0 (the index of the first row) to wRowCount - 1 (the index of the last row). Similarly, to iterate through cells within a row, the cell counter should cycle from 0 to wColumnCount - 1.

Since UltraGrid can have several hierarchical data levels, it displays data form different levels via different data views. The rows of a root level view can have one or more child rows that are represented by child views. Child rows can be parents to some other rows and so on. This means that the grid rows should be processed recursively. That is, after processing a single row, you need to apply the same processing to its child rows. To get the number of child views a particular row has, read the wChildViewCount property. If a row does not have child views this property returns zero. To access a child data view use the wChildView property. After obtaining a child view, you can process it the same way as the root level view. For more information on how you can access UltraGrid rows, see Accessing Grid Elements in Infragistics UltraGrid.

Note: In order for TestComplete to access the properties and methods mentioned, the .NET Application Support plugin must be installed and enabled.

The following example demonstrates how to process UltraGrid rows. It iterates through the grid rows in a loop, saves the data to the XML file and adds a link to this file in the test log.


View description


function Main()
  var FileName = "c:\\MyFile.xml";

  // Obtain the application process
  p = Sys.Process("SamplesExplorer");
  // Select the "Fixed Headers" demo
  p.frmMain.WinFormsObject("tvwSamples").DblClickItem("|Feature Samples|V3 Fixed Headers");
  // Obtain the grid control
  Grid = Sys.Process("SamplesExplorer").WinFormsObject("frmFixedHeaders").WinFormsObject("UltraGrid1");
  // Save grid data to a file
  ExportGridDataToXml(Grid, FileName);
  // Post a file to log
  Log.File (FileName, "Exported grid data.")

// Export the grid's data and write it to file
function ExportGridDataToXml(Grid, FileName)
  // Creating file
  var fso = getActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
  var XmlFile = fso.CreateTextFile(FileName, true, true);

  // Export grid's root data view and all child views (if any)
  ExportView(XmlFile, Grid, "", "");

  // Close file

// Export data from a specified data view
function ExportView(XmlFile, View, ViewName, InitIndent)
    // Check whether a data view is a root view or a child view
    if (ViewName != "")
        // Write the child view tag
        XmlFile.WriteLine(InitIndent + "<ChildView ViewName=\"" + ViewName + "\">");
        // Write the root tag
        XmlFile.WriteLine(InitIndent + "<Grid>");

    // Export columns information
    // Write the columns tag
    XmlFile.WriteLine(InitIndent + "<columns>");
    // Iterate through columns
    for (var i = 0; i < View.wColumnCount; i++)
        // Get the columns caption
        var str = View.wColumn(i);
        // Replace XML specific characters
        str = ConvertSpecialChars(str);
        // Write column information
        XmlFile.WriteLine(InitIndent + " <column>" +str + "</column>");
    // Close the columns tag
    XmlFile.WriteLine(InitIndent + "</columns>");
    // Export data
    // Iterate through rows
    for (var i = 0; i < View.wRowCount; i++)
        // Write the row tag
        XmlFile.WriteLine(InitIndent + "<row>");
        // Export row data including its child rows
        ExportRow(XmlFile, View, i, InitIndent + " ");
        // Close the row tag
        XmlFile.WriteLine(InitIndent + "</row>");

    if (ViewName != "")
        // Close the child view tag
        XmlFile.WriteLine(InitIndent + "</ChildView>");
        // Close the root tag
        XmlFile.WriteLine(InitIndent + "</Grid>");

// Export the specified row and all its children
function ExportRow(XmlFile, View, RowIndex, InitIndent)

    // Export data from the row cells
    // Iterate through cells
    for (var i = 0; i < View.wColumnCount; i++)
      // Get the cell value
      str = View.wValue(RowIndex, i);
      // Replace XML specific characters
      str = ConvertSpecialChars(str);
      // Write cell data
      XmlFile.WriteLine(InitIndent + "<cell>" + str + "</cell>");

    // If a row is a parent for some views
    if (View.wChildViewCount(RowIndex)>0)
        // Iterate through child views
        for (var i = 0; i < View.wChildViewCount(RowIndex); i++)
            // Export the child view
            ExportView(XmlFile, View.wChildView(RowIndex,i), "Row Index: " + RowIndex + " ChildView Index: " + i, InitIndent + " ");

// Replace special characters
function ConvertSpecialChars(AString)
  var s;

    // Search and replace special characters
    s = aqString.Replace(AString, "&", "&amp;", true);
    s = aqString.Replace(s, "<", "&lt;", true);
    s = aqString.Replace(s, ">", "&gt;", true);
    s = aqString.Replace(s, "\"", "&quot;", true);
    s = aqString.Replace(s, "'", "&apos;", true);
    s = ""
  // Return the result
  return s;


function Main()
  var FileName = "c:\\MyFile.xml";

  // Obtain the application process
  p = Sys.Process("SamplesExplorer");
  // Select the "Fixed Headers" demo
  p.frmMain.WinFormsObject("tvwSamples").DblClickItem("|Feature Samples|V3 Fixed Headers");
  // Obtain the grid control
  Grid = Sys.Process("SamplesExplorer").WinFormsObject("frmFixedHeaders").WinFormsObject("UltraGrid1");
  // Save grid data to a file
  ExportGridDataToXml(Grid, FileName);
  // Post a file to log
  Log.File (FileName, "Exported grid data.")

// Export the grid's data and write it to file
function ExportGridDataToXml(Grid, FileName)
  // Creating file
  var fso = Sys.OleObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
  var XmlFile = fso.CreateTextFile(FileName, true, true);

  // Export grid's root data view and all child views (if any)
  ExportView(XmlFile, Grid, "", "");

  // Close file

// Export data from a specified data view
function ExportView(XmlFile, View, ViewName, InitIndent)
    // Check whether a data view is a root view or a child view
    if (ViewName != "")
        // Write the child view tag
        XmlFile.WriteLine(InitIndent + "<ChildView ViewName=\"" + ViewName + "\">");
        // Write the root tag
        XmlFile.WriteLine(InitIndent + "<Grid>");

    // Export columns information
    // Write the columns tag
    XmlFile.WriteLine(InitIndent + "<columns>");
    // Iterate through columns
    for (var i = 0; i < View.wColumnCount; i++)
        // Get the columns caption
        var str = View.wColumn(i);
        // Replace XML specific characters
        str = ConvertSpecialChars(str);
        // Write column information
        XmlFile.WriteLine(InitIndent + " <column>" +str + "</column>");
    // Close the columns tag
    XmlFile.WriteLine(InitIndent + "</columns>");
    // Export data
    // Iterate through rows
    for (var i = 0; i < View.wRowCount; i++)
        // Write the row tag
        XmlFile.WriteLine(InitIndent + "<row>");
        // Export row data including its child rows
        ExportRow(XmlFile, View, i, InitIndent + " ");
        // Close the row tag
        XmlFile.WriteLine(InitIndent + "</row>");

    if (ViewName != "")
        // Close the child view tag
        XmlFile.WriteLine(InitIndent + "</ChildView>");
        // Close the root tag
        XmlFile.WriteLine(InitIndent + "</Grid>");

// Export the specified row and all its children
function ExportRow(XmlFile, View, RowIndex, InitIndent)

    // Export data from the row cells
    // Iterate through cells
    for (var i = 0; i < View.wColumnCount; i++)
      // Get the cell value
      str = View.wValue(RowIndex, i);
      // Replace XML specific characters
      str = ConvertSpecialChars(str);
      // Write cell data
      XmlFile.WriteLine(InitIndent + "<cell>" + str + "</cell>");

    // If a row is a parent for some views
    if (View.wChildViewCount(RowIndex)>0)
        // Iterate through child views
        for (var i = 0; i < View.wChildViewCount(RowIndex); i++)
            // Export the child view
            ExportView(XmlFile, View.wChildView(RowIndex,i), "Row Index: " + RowIndex + " ChildView Index: " + i, InitIndent + " ");

// Replace special characters
function ConvertSpecialChars(AString)
  var s;

    // Search and replace special characters
    s = aqString.Replace(AString, "&", "&amp;", true);
    s = aqString.Replace(s, "<", "&lt;", true);
    s = aqString.Replace(s, ">", "&gt;", true);
    s = aqString.Replace(s, "\"", "&quot;", true);
    s = aqString.Replace(s, "'", "&apos;", true);
    s = ""
  // Return the result
  return s;


def Main():

  # Obtain the application process
  p = Sys.Process("SamplesExplorer")
  # Select the "Fixed Headers" demo
  p.frmMain.WinFormsObject("tvwSamples").DblClickItem("|Feature Samples|V3 Fixed Headers")
  # Obtain the grid control
  Grid = Sys.Process("SamplesExplorer").WinFormsObject("frmFixedHeaders").WinFormsObject("UltraGrid1")
  # Save grid data to a file
  ExportGridDataToXml(Grid, FileName)
  # Post a file to log
  Log.File (FileName, "Exported grid data.")

# Export the grid's data and write it to file
def ExportGridDataToXml(Grid, FileName):
  # Create file
  fso = Sys.OleObject["Scripting.FileSystemObject"]
  XmlFile = fso.CreateTextFile(FileName, True, True)

  # Export grid's root data view and all child views (if any)
  ExportView(XmlFile, Grid, "", "")

  # Close file

# Export data from a specified data view
def ExportView(XmlFile, View, ViewName, InitIndent):
    # Check whether a data view is a root view or a child view
    if (ViewName != ""):
        # Write the child view tag
        XmlFile.WriteLine(InitIndent + "<ChildView ViewName=\"" + ViewName + "\">")
        # Write the root tag
        XmlFile.WriteLine(InitIndent + "<Grid>")

    # Export columns information
    # Write the columns tag
    XmlFile.WriteLine(InitIndent + "<columns>")
    # Iterate through columns
    for i in range(0, View.wColumnCount-1):
        # Get the columns caption
        str = View.wColumn[i]
        # Replace XML specific characters
        str = ConvertSpecialChars(str)
        # Write column information
        XmlFile.WriteLine(InitIndent + " <column>" +str + "</column>")
    # Close the columns tag
    XmlFile.WriteLine(InitIndent + "</columns>")
    # Export data
    # Iterate through rows
    for i in range(0, View.wRowCount-1):
        # Write the row tag
        XmlFile.WriteLine(InitIndent + "<row>")
        # Export row data including its child rows
        ExportRow(XmlFile, View, i, InitIndent + " ")
        # Close the row tag 
        XmlFile.WriteLine(InitIndent + "</row>")

    if (ViewName != ""):
        # Close the child view tag
        XmlFile.WriteLine(InitIndent + "</ChildView>") 
        # Close the root tag
        XmlFile.WriteLine(InitIndent + "</Grid>")

# Export the specified row and all its children
def ExportRow(XmlFile, View, RowIndex, InitIndent):

    # Export data from the row cells
    # Iterate through cells
    for i in range(0, View.wColumnCount-1):
      # Get the cell value 
      str = View.wValue[RowIndex, i]
      # Replace XML specific characters
      str = ConvertSpecialChars(str)
      # Write cell data
      XmlFile.WriteLine(InitIndent + "<cell>" + str + "</cell>")

    # If a row is a parent for some views
    if (View.wChildViewCount[RowIndex]>0):
        # Iterate through child views
        for i in range(0, View.wChildViewCount[RowIndex]-1):
            # Export the child view
            ExportView(XmlFile, View.wChildView[RowIndex,i], "Row Index: " + RowIndex + " ChildView Index: " + i, InitIndent + " ")

# Replace special characters
def ConvertSpecialChars(AString):

    # Search and replace special characters
    s = aqString.Replace(AString, "&", "&amp;", True)
    s = aqString.Replace(s, "<", "&lt;", True)
    s = aqString.Replace(s, ">", "&gt;", True)
    s = aqString.Replace(s, "\"", "&quot;", True)
    s = aqString.Replace(s, "'", "&apos;", True)
  except err:
    s = ""
  # Return the result
  return s


Sub Main
  FileName = "c:\MyFile.xml"
  ' Obtain the application process
  Set p = Sys.Process("SamplesExplorer")
  ' Select the "Fixed Headers" demo
  Call p.frmMain.WinFormsObject("tvwSamples").DblClickItem("|Feature Samples|V3 Fixed Headers")
  ' Obtain the grid control
  Set Grid = Sys.Process("SamplesExplorer").WinFormsObject("frmFixedHeaders").WinFormsObject("UltraGrid1")
  ' Save grid data to a file
  Call ExportGridDataToXml(Grid, FileName)
  ' Post a file to log
  Call Log.File (FileName, "Exported grid data.")
End Sub

' Export the grid's data and write it to file
Sub ExportGridDataToXml(Grid, FileName)

  ' Create file
  Set fso = Sys.OleObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
  Set XmlFile = fso.CreateTextFile(FileName, True, True)

  ' Export grid's root data view and all child views (if any)
  Call ExportView(XmlFile, Grid, "", "")

  ' Close file
End Sub

' Export data from a specified data view
Sub ExportView(XmlFile, View, ViewName, InitIndent)
  ' Check whether a data view is a root view or a child view
  If ViewName <> "" Then
    ' Write the child view tag
    XmlFile.WriteLine(InitIndent & "<ChildView ViewName=""" & ViewName & """>")
    ' Write the root tag
    XmlFile.WriteLine(InitIndent & "<Grid>")
  End If

  ' Export columns information
  ' Write the columns tag
  XmlFile.WriteLine(InitIndent & "<columns>")
  ' Iterate through columns
  For i = 0 To View.wColumnCount-1
    ' Get the columns caption
    str = View.wColumn(i)
    ' Replace XML specific characters
    str = ConvertSpecialChars(str)
    ' Write column information
    XmlFile.WriteLine(InitIndent & " <column>" & str & "</column>")
  ' Close the columns tag
  XmlFile.WriteLine(InitIndent & "</columns>")
  ' Export data
  ' Iterate through rows
  For i = 0 To View.wRowCount-1
    ' Write the row tag
    XmlFile.WriteLine(InitIndent & "<row>")
    ' Export row data including its child rows
    Call ExportRow(XmlFile, View, i, InitIndent & " ")
    ' Close the row tag
    XmlFile.WriteLine(InitIndent & "</row>")

  If ViewName <> "" Then
    ' Close the child view tag
    XmlFile.WriteLine(InitIndent & "</ChildView>")
    ' Close the root tag
    XmlFile.WriteLine(InitIndent & "</Grid>")
  End If
End Sub

' Export the specified row and all its children
Sub ExportRow(XmlFile, View, RowIndex, InitIndent)

  ' Export data from the row cells
  ' Iterate through cells
  For i = 0 To View.wColumnCount-1
    ' Attempt to obtain the cell's value
    On Error Resume Next
      ' Get the cell value
      str = View.wValue(RowIndex, i)
    ' On failure assume that the cell value is empty
    If Err.Number <> 0 Then str = "" End If
    ' Replace XML specific characters
    str = ConvertSpecialChars(str)
    ' Write cell data
    XmlFile.WriteLine(InitIndent & "<cell>" & str & "</cell>")

  ' If a row is a parent for some views
  If View.wChildViewCount(RowIndex)>0 Then
    ' Iterate through child views
    For i = 0 To View.wChildViewCount(RowIndex) - 1
      ' Export the child view
      Call ExportView(XmlFile, View.wChildView(RowIndex,i), "Row Index: " & RowIndex & " ChildView Index: " & i, InitIndent & " ")
  End If
End Sub

' Replace special characters
Function ConvertSpecialChars(AString)
  ' Search and replace special characters
  s = aqString.Replace(AString, "&", "&amp;", True)
  s = aqString.Replace(s, "<", "&lt;", True)
  s = aqString.Replace(s, ">", "&gt;", True)
  s = aqString.Replace(s, """", "&quot;", True)
  s = aqString.Replace(s, "'", "&apos;", True)
  ' Return the result
  ConvertSpecialChars = s
End Function


procedure ExportGridDataToXml(Grid, FileName); forward;
procedure ExportView(XmlFile, View, ViewName, InitIndent); forward;
procedure ExportRow(XmlFile, View, RowIndex, InitIndent); forward;
function ConvertSpecialChars(AString) : OleVariant; forward;

function Main;
var p, Grid: Variant;
    FileName: string;
  FileName := 'c:\MyFile.xml';
  // Obtain the application process
  p := Sys.Process('SamplesExplorer');
  // Select the "Fixed Headers" demo
  p.frmMain.WinFormsObject('tvwSamples').DblClickItem('|Feature Samples|V3 Fixed Headers');
  // Obtain the grid control
  Grid := Sys.Process('SamplesExplorer').WinFormsObject('frmFixedHeaders').WinFormsObject('UltraGrid1');
  // Save grid data to a file
  ExportGridDataToXml(Grid, FileName);
  // Post a file to log
  Log.File (FileName, 'Exported grid data.')

// Export the grid's data and write it to file
procedure ExportGridDataToXml(Grid, FileName);
  fso: Variant;
  // Create file
  fso := Sys.OleObject['Scripting.FileSystemObject', ''];
  XmlFile := fso.CreateTextFile(FileName, true, true);

  // Export grid's root data view and all child views (if any)
  ExportView(XmlFile, Grid, '', '');

  // Close file

// Export data from a specified data view
procedure ExportView(XmlFile, View, ViewName, InitIndent);
  i: integer;
  str: string;
  // Check whether a data view is a root view or a child view
  if ViewName <> '' then
    // Write the child view tag
    XmlFile.WriteLine(InitIndent + '<ChildView ViewName="' + ViewName + '">')
    // Write the root tag
    XmlFile.WriteLine(InitIndent + '<Grid>');

  // Export columns information
  // Write the columns tag
  XmlFile.WriteLine(InitIndent + '<columns>');
  // Iterate through columns
  for i := 0 to View.wColumnCount-1 do
        // Get the columns caption
        str := View.wColumn(i);
        // Replace XML specific characters
        str := ConvertSpecialChars(str);
        // Write column information
        XmlFile.WriteLine(InitIndent + ' <column>' +str + '</column>');
  // Close the columns tag
  XmlFile.WriteLine(InitIndent + '</columns>');
  // Export data
  // Iterate through rows
  for i := 0 to View.wRowCount-1 do
    // Write the row tag
    XmlFile.WriteLine(InitIndent + '<row>');
    // Export row data including its child rows
    ExportRow(XmlFile, View, i, InitIndent + ' ');
    // Close the row tag
    XmlFile.WriteLine(InitIndent + '</row>');

  if ViewName <> '' then
    // Close the child band tag
    XmlFile.WriteLine(InitIndent + '</ChildView>')
    // Close the root tag
    XmlFile.WriteLine(InitIndent + '</Grid>');

// Export the specified row and all its children
procedure ExportRow(XmlFile, View, RowIndex, InitIndent);
  str: string;
  i: integer;

  // Export data from the row cells
  // Iterate through cells
  for i := 0 to View.wColumnCount-1 do
    // Get the cell value
    str := View.wValue(RowIndex, i);
    // Replace XML specific characters
    str := ConvertSpecialChars(str);
    // Write cell data
    XmlFile.WriteLine(InitIndent + '<cell>' + str + '</cell>');

  // If a row is a parent for some views
  if View.wChildViewCount(RowIndex)>0 then
    // Iterate through child views
    for i := 0 to View.wChildViewCount(RowIndex) - 1 do
      // Export the child view
      ExportView(XmlFile, View.wChildView(RowIndex,i), 'Row Index: ' + aqConvert.IntToStr(RowIndex) + ' ChildView Index: ' + aqConvert.IntToStr(i), InitIndent +' ');

// Replace special characters
function ConvertSpecialChars(AString) : OleVariant;
  s : OleVariant;
    // Search and replace special characters
    s := aqString.Replace(AString, '&', '&amp;', true);
    s := aqString.Replace(s, '<', '&lt;', true);
    s := aqString.Replace(s, '>', '&gt;', true);
    s := aqString.Replace(s, '"', '&quot', true);
    s := aqString.Replace(s, '''', '&apos;', true);
    s:= '';
  // Return the result
  Result := s;

C++Script, C#Script

function Main()
  var FileName = "c:\\MyFile.xml";

  // Obtain the application process
  p = Sys["Process"]("SamplesExplorer");
  // Select the "Fixed Headers" demo
  p["frmMain"]["WinFormsObject"]("tvwSamples")["DblClickItem"]("|Feature Samples|V3 Fixed Headers");
  // Obtain the grid control
  Grid = Sys["Process"]("SamplesExplorer")["WinFormsObject"]("frmFixedHeaders")["WinFormsObject"]("UltraGrid1");
  // Save grid data to a file
  ExportGridDataToXml(Grid, FileName);
  // Post a file to log
  Log["File"] (FileName, "Exported grid data.")

// Export the grid's data and write it to file
function ExportGridDataToXml(Grid, FileName)
  // Create file
  var fso = Sys["OleObject"]("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
  var XmlFile = fso["CreateTextFile"](FileName, true, true);

  // Export grid's root data view and all child views (if any)
  ExportView(XmlFile, Grid, "", "");

  // Close file

// Export data from a specified data view
function ExportView(XmlFile, View, ViewName, InitIndent)
    // Check whether a data view is a root view or a child view
    if (ViewName != "")
        // Write the child view tag
        XmlFile["WriteLine"](InitIndent + "<ChildView ViewName=\"" + ViewName + "\">");
        // Write the root tag
        XmlFile["WriteLine"](InitIndent + "<Grid>");

    // Export columns information
    // Write the columns tag
    XmlFile["WriteLine"](InitIndent + "<columns>");
    // Iterate through columns
    for (var i = 0; i < View["wColumnCount"]; i++)
        // Get the columns caption
        var str = View["wColumn"](i);
        // Replace XML specific characters
        str = ConvertSpecialChars(str);
        // Write column information
        XmlFile["WriteLine"](InitIndent + " <column>" +str + "</column>");
    // Close the columns tag
    XmlFile["WriteLine"](InitIndent + "</columns>");
    // Export data
    // Iterate through rows
    for (var i = 0; i < View["wRowCount"]; i++)
        // Write the row tag
        XmlFile["WriteLine"](InitIndent + "<row>");
        // Export row data including its child rows
        ExportRow(XmlFile, View, i, InitIndent + " ");
        // Close the row tag
        XmlFile["WriteLine"](InitIndent + "</row>");

    if (ViewName != "")
        // Close the child view tag
        XmlFile["WriteLine"](InitIndent + "</ChildView>");
        // Close the root tag
        XmlFile["WriteLine"](InitIndent + "</Grid>");

// Export the specified row and all its children
function ExportRow(XmlFile, View, RowIndex, InitIndent)

    // Export data from the row cells
    // Iterate through cells
    for (var i = 0; i < View["wColumnCount"]; i++)
      // Get the cell value
      str = View["wValue"](RowIndex, i);
      // Replace XML specific characters
      str = ConvertSpecialChars(str);
      // Write cell data
      XmlFile["WriteLine"](InitIndent + "<cell>" + str + "</cell>");

    // If a row is a parent for some views
    if (View["wChildViewCount"](RowIndex)>0)
        // Iterate through child views
        for (var i = 0; i < View["wChildViewCount"](RowIndex); i++)
            // Export the child view
            ExportView(XmlFile, View["wChildView"](RowIndex,i), "Row Index: " + RowIndex + " ChildView Index: " + i, InitIndent + " ");

// Replace special characters
function ConvertSpecialChars(AString)
  var s;

    // Search and replace special characters
    s = aqString["Replace"](AString, "&", "&amp;", true);
    s = aqString["Replace"](s, "<", "&lt;", true);
    s = aqString["Replace"](s, ">", "&gt;", true);
    s = aqString["Replace"](s, "\"", "&quot;", true);
    s = aqString["Replace"](s, "'", "&apos;", true);
    s = ""
  // Return the result
  return s;

See Also

Working With Infragistics UltraGrid
Accessing Grid Elements in Infragistics UltraGrid
Searching for Records in Infragistics UltraGrid
wRowCount Property (Grid Controls)
wColumnCount Property (Grid Controls)
wChildViewCount Property (Grid Controls)

Highlight search results