Project Suite Log

Applies to TestComplete 14.10, last modified on June 5, 2019

The log of a project suite run includes information on all the projects executed during the run.

The Project Suite Log page

Click the image to enlarge it.

For each project, the log provides the following information:

Column Description
Status Specifies the result of the project run:
  • - The project run passed successfully.
  • - One or more error(s) occurred.
  • - One or more warning messages were posted to the log.
No The number that indicates the project run order. The oldest project is indicated by the number 1.
Name The name of the project or the message posted to the project suite log during the run.
Start Time The date and time when the project run started.
End Time The date and time when the project run finished.
Run Time Specifies the duration of the project run.
Details Click the Details link to open a detailed log of the project.

Extended Message Panel

The Extended Message panel can contain additional information for the message selected in the project suite log.

Working With Project Suite Log

You can arrange the columns of the project suite log using the customization capabilities provided by TestComplete. For instance, you can sort records on a column or hide or display some columns. For more information on this, see Arranging Columns, Lines and Panels.

To filter the log contents so that you can view projects with a specific status only, select or unselect check boxes at the top of the log. For example, select the Error check box and clear the other check boxes to view only failed projects. In the image below, you can see a project suite log that shows only failed projects:

Viewing only failed projects

In addition, you can use the Quick Filter to find the project results in the project suite log easier. Start typing in the Search text box; the log contents will be filtered out according to the text you are typing. To remove the filter, clear the Search text box or click .

To get detailed information on the structure of test results in TestComplete and on how to work with them, see Test Results.

See Also

Testing With TestComplete
Test Results

Highlight search results