Add Counter Wizard - Select Standard Counter Page

Applies to TestComplete 14.10, last modified on June 5, 2019

On this page of the Add Counter wizard, you can select one of the four most commonly used performance counters whose data you want to monitor on the Performance Counters page. The standard counters are:

  • % CPU

    The percentage of the elapsed time the processor spends to execute non-idle threads.

  • % Memory

    The percentage of the currently used memory. This counter is available only on Windows-based computers.

  • Memory

    The amount of currently used memory in megabytes. This counter is available only on Windows-based computers.

  • % Disk time

    The percentage of the elapsed time all the disk drives were busy processing read and write requests during the test run. This counter is available only on Windows-based computers.

Select the counter you want to add and click Next to proceed.

See Also

Add Counter Wizard
Generic Test Log - Performance Counters Panel
Add Counter Wizard - Select Custom Counter Page

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