ValidateOnEnter Property

Applies to TestComplete 14.10, last modified on June 5, 2019

Specifies when the validation of the value entered in the component is performed.


Read-Write Property Boolean
componentPropObj     One of the objects listed in the Applies To section  

Applies To

This property applies to the following objects:

TcxButtonEditProperties, TcxCalcEditProperties, TcxCurrencyEditProperties, TcxDateEditProperties, TcxMRUEditProperties, TcxSpinEditProperties, TcxTextEditProperties, TcxTimeEditProperties


The ValidateOnEnter property lets you determine or specify when validation of the value entered in the component is performed. If ValidateOnEnter is True, validation is performed when the user presses Enter within the component. If ValidateOnEnter is False, validation is performed when the focus moves to another component.

If the form has a default button (the button which Default property is True), then the Enter keypress will be processed by that button and cause the form to close. In this case, if the component holds an invalid value, the previous value will be restored.

Property Value

True, if the value displayed in the component is validated when Enter is pressed. False, if validation is performed when the component loses the input focus. The default value is False.

See Also

BeepOnError Property

Highlight search results