AutoComplete Property

Applies to TestComplete 14.10, last modified on June 5, 2019

Specifies whether the user can navigate through the list by typing an item’s captions.


Read-Write Property Boolean
componentObj     One of the user forms components listed in the Applies To section  

Applies To

The property applies to the following components:



Use the AutoComplete property to enable or disable the incremental search feature. If this property is True, it is possible to navigate through the list items by typing their captions. As the user types the text (so called “filter”), the focus moves to the first item which matches the typed characters.

To specify the time interval for successive keystrokes to be treated as a single filter, use the AutoCompleteDelay property.

Property Value

True, if the incremental search feature is enabled; False otherwise.

See Also

AutoCompleteDelay Property

Highlight search results