TcxSpinEdit Object

Applies to TestComplete 14.10, last modified on June 5, 2019

The TcxSpinEdit component represents an edit box control with a pair of arrow buttons that the user can click to increase or decrease a numeric value. If the Properties.CanEdit property is set to True, the user can also enter a value directly in the edit box.

The current value displayed in the component is specified by the Value property. The range of values accepted by the component is specified by the Properties.MinValue and Properties.MaxValue properties.

The Properties.Increment property specifies the value for increasing or decreasing the current value when the user clicks the spin buttons. If the Properties.SpinButtons.ShowFastButtons property is True, the component also displays that fast spin buttons that allow the user to increase or decrease the current value by the Properties.LargeIncrement value.

If you need to display the component’s value in a custom format, use the Properties.DisplayFormat and Properties.EditFormat properties.

The TcxSpinEdit component raises a number of events that you can process in your scripts.

TcxSpinEdit Properties

TcxSpinEdit Methods

TcxSpinEdit Events

See Also

User Forms
TcxSpinEditProperties Object

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