List of Built-In Routines

Applies to TestComplete 14.0, last modified on January 23, 2019

The following list contains the functions provided by the BuiltIn plugin that resides in the <TestComplete>\Bin\Extensions\tcUtilities.pls file. After the plugin is installed, the functions below are available to all script languages.

Functions, variables and constants provided by the plugin are displayed in the Code Completion window as subitems of the BuiltIn item (except for those functions that are mentioned as obsolete in the table below). You can also call them in Connected or Self-Testing Applications as methods of the BuiltIn object.

Note that you can skip the object name (BuiltIn) when calling these methods in TestComplete scripts. However, if the method name coincides with the name of a function provided by the scripting language, TestComplete will call the scripting languageā€™s function. To solve the problem, place the object name before the method name. See Specifics of Usage Common for All Languages.

Most of the functions listed below are obsolete. They are supported only for backward compatibility and not displayed in the Code Completion window.

We recommend that you replace obsolete functions in your existing tests with similar functions provided by the aqConvert, aqFile, aqObject and other aqNNN objects and use these new functions in your future tests.

Routine List

Name Description
CallMethod Calls a method of the specified object. Obsolete. Use the aqObject.CallMethod method instead.
CopyFiles Copies a file or folder to a new location. Obsolete. To copy files, use the aqFileSystem.CopyFile , aqFile.Copy or aqFileInfo.Copy method. To copy folders, use the aqFileSystem.CopyFolder or aqFolderInfo.Copy method.
CreateVariantArray Creates an array of Variant elements.
CreateVariantArray2 Creates a two-dimensional array of Variant elements.
CreateVariantArray3 Creates a three-dimensional array of Variant elements.
Delay Delays the script execution for the specified time period. Obsolete. Use the aqUtils.Delay method instead.
EnumEvents Returns an ObjEventIterator object that provides scripting access to the list of object events. Obsolete. Use the aqObject.GetEvents method instead.
EnumFields Returns an ObjFieldIterator object that provides scripting access to the list of object fields. Obsolete. Use the aqObject.GetFields method instead.
EnumMethods Returns an ObjMethodIterator object that provides scripting access to the list of object methods. Obsolete. Use the aqObject.GetMethods method instead.
EnumProperties Returns an ObjPropertyIterator object that provides scripting access to the list of object properties. Obsolete. Use the aqObject.GetProperties method instead.
GetCOMServerPath Returns the path to the specified COM server. Obsolete. Use the aqUtils.GetCOMServerPath method instead.
GetCSVCount Returns the number of values in a comma-separated string. Obsolete. Use the aqString.GetListLength method instead.
GetCSVItem Returns a value by its index in a comma-separated string. Obsolete. Use the aqString.GetListItem method instead.
GetListCount Returns the number of list values separated by line breaks and carriage returns. Obsolete. Use the aqString.GetListLength method instead.
GetListItem Returns a value by its index in a list whose values are separated by line breaks and carriage returns. Obsolete. Use the aqString.GetListItem method instead.
GetOrd Returns the ordinal value of an ordinal-type expression.
GetValue Returns the value of the specified object property. Obsolete. Use the aqObject.GetPropertyValue method instead.
InputBox Displays a window that lets the user specify a value that can be used in script.
InputQuery Displays a window that lets the user specify a value that can be used in script. It is supported for VBScript and DelphiScript only.
IsLanguageSupported Checks whether the specified language is supported on the computer. Obsolete. Use the aqEnvironment.IsLanguageSupported method instead.
IsPluginInstalled Checks whether the specified plugin is installed and enabled in TestComplete. Obsolete. Use the aqEnvironment.IsPluginInstalled method instead.
IsSupported Checks whether an object supports the specified property or method. Obsolete. Use the aqObject.IsSupported method instead.
Log Returns the natural logarithm of a number.
MessageDlg Displays a dialog box.
ParamCount Returns a number of command-line arguments passed to TestComplete at startup.
ParamStr Returns a TestComplete command-line argument specified by its index.
RaiseEvent Generates an event of the specified object. Obsolete. Use the aqObject.RaiseEvent method instead.
RebootAndContinue Reboots the operating system and continues the test execution after the restart. Obsolete. Use the aqEnvironment.RebootAndContinue method instead.
RemoveFolders Deletes a folder from the disk. Obsolete. Use the aqFileSystem.DeleteFolder method instead.
SaveStrToFile Saves a string to a file. Obsolete. Use the aqFile.WriteToTextFile or aqFileInfo.WriteToTextFile method instead.
SendMail Sends an e-mail message using the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP).
SendMAPIMail Sends an e-mail message using the Messaging Application Programming Interface (MAPI). Obsolete. Use the BuiltIn.SendMail method instead.
SetKeyboardLayout Changes the current keyboard layout. Obsolete. Use the aqEnvironment.SetKeyboardLayout method instead.
SetValue Sets a value for the specified object property. Obsolete. Use the aqObject.SetPropertyValue method instead.
ShowMessage Displays a message box.
StrContains Checks whether a string contains a specific substring. Obsolete. Use the aqString.Find method instead.
StrEndsWith Checks whether a string ends with the specified substring. Obsolete. To work with strings in tests, use the methods of the aqString object.
StrMatches Checks whether a string contains a fragment that matches the specified regular expression. Obsolete. Use the aqString.StrMatches method instead.
StrStartsWith Checks whether a string begins with the specified substring. Obsolete. To work with strings in tests, use the methods of the aqString object instead.
VarArrayHighBound Returns the high bound of the specified dimension of a Variant array.
VarArrayLowBound Returns the low bound of the specified dimension of a Variant array.
VarArrayRedim Resizes a Variant array. It is supported for VBScript and DelphiScript.
VarClear Sets the OLEVariant value to empty.
VarToBool Converts an OLEVariant value to a Boolean value. Obsolete. Use the aqConvert.VarToBool method instead.
VarToFloat Converts an OLEVariant value to a float value. Obsolete. Use the aqConvert.VarToFloat method instead.
VarToInteger Converts an OLEVariant value to an integer value. Obsolete. Use the aqConvert.VarToInt method instead.
VarToStr Converts an OLEVariant value to a string value. Obsolete. Use the aqConvert.VarToStr method instead.
VarToString Converts an OLEVariant value to a string value. Obsolete. Use the aqConvert.VarToStr method instead.
VarToWString Converts an OLEVariant value to a wide-string value. Obsolete. Use the aqConvert.VarToStr method instead.
VarType Returns the type of the specified value. Obsolete. Use the aqObject.GetVarType method instead.

See Also

DelphiScript - List of Supported Routines and Variables
TestComplete Helper Objects
Installing Extensions
Utilities Object
ADO Support Plugin
BDE Support Plugin
Calling Win32 API Functions

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