ClientWidth Property

Applies to TestComplete 12.60, last modified on September 17, 2018

Returns the width of the component’s client area.


Read-Only Property Integer
componentObj     One of the user forms components listed in the Applies To section  

Applies To

The property applies to the following components:

TBevel, TcxButton, TcxButtonEdit, TcxCalcEdit, TcxCheckBox, TcxCurrencyEdit, TcxDateEdit, TcxGroupBox, TcxLabel, TcxListBox, TcxMemo, TcxMRUEdit, TcxProgressBar, TcxRadioGroup, TcxSpinEdit, TcxTextEdit, TcxTimeEdit, TImage, TObjectPicker, TPanel, TRectObjectPicker, TShape


The ClientWidth property returns the width of the component’s client area. This is the part of the component excluding borders, scrollbars and other non-client elements.

To get the whole component width, use the Width property.

Property Value

An integer value that specifies the component’s client width, in pixels.

See Also

ClientHeight Property
Height Property
Width Property

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