Edition Property

Applies to TestComplete 12.60, last modified on September 17, 2018


Use the OSInfo.Edition property to get the edition of the operating system on which TestComplete is running.



Read-Only Property String
OSInfoObj An expression, variable or parameter that specifies a reference to an OSInfo object

Applies To

The property is applied to the following object:

Property Value

The Sys.OSInfo.Edition property returns one of the following strings that indicate the Windows edition on the desktop computer:

  • Advanced Server
  • Business
  • Cluster Server
  • Compute Cluster
  • Datacenter
  • Datacenter Server
  • Enterprise
  • Home
  • Home Basic
  • Home Premium
  • Professional
  • Server
  • Server Business
  • Small Business Server
  • Small Business Server Premium
  • Standard
  • Starter
  • Web
  • Web Server
  • Ultimate


To check whether the desktop computer is running Windows XP Media Center Edition or Windows XP Tablet PC Edition, use the Sys.OSInfo.MediaCenter and Sys.OSInfo.TabletPC properties, respectively.


The following example obtains information on the operating system and posts it to the test log.

JavaScript, JScript

function OSInfoSample()
  var OSInfo = Sys.OSInfo;

  // Obtains information on the running operating system
  var Info = "Name: " + OSInfo.Name + " ";

  if (OSInfo.Windows64bit)
    Info += "64-bit version" + "\r\n";
    Info += "32-bit version" + "\r\n";

  Info += "Edition: " + OSInfo.Edition + "\r\n" +
        "Service Pack Version: " + OSInfo.ServicePackVersion + "\r\n" +
        "Version: " + OSInfo.Version;

  // Posts the information to the test log
  Log.Message("Operating system information:", Info);


def OSInfoSample():
  OSInfo = Sys.OSInfo
  # Obtains information on the running operating system
  Info = "Name: " + OSInfo.Name + " "
  if OSInfo.Windows64bit:
    Info = Info + "64-bit version" + "\r\n"
    Info = Info + "32-bit version" + "\r\n"
  Info = Info + "Edition: " + OSInfo.Edition + "\r\n" +\
    "Service Pack Version: " + OSInfo.ServicePackVersion + "\r\n" +\
    "Version: " + OSInfo.Version
  # Posts the information to the test log
  Log.Message("Operating system information:", Info)


Sub OSInfoSample
  Dim OSInfo, Info
  Set OSInfo = Sys.OSInfo

  ' Obtains information on the running operating system
  Info = "Name: " & OSInfo.Name & " "

  If OSInfo.Windows64bit Then
    Info = Info & "64-bit version" & vbNewLine
    Info = Info & "32-bit version" & vbNewLine
  End If

  Info = Info & "Edition: " & OSInfo.Edition & vbNewLine & _
        "Service Pack Version: " & OSInfo.ServicePackVersion & vbNewLine & _
        "Version: " & OSInfo.Version

  ' Posts the information to the test log
  Log.Message "Operating system information:", Info
End Sub


procedure OSInfoSample;
var OSInfo, Info;
  OSInfo := Sys.OSInfo;

  // Obtains information on the running operating system
  Info := 'Name: ' + OSInfo.Name + ' ';

  if OSInfo.Windows64bit then
    Info := Info + '64-bit version' + #13#10
    Info := Info + '32-bit version' + #13#10;

  Info := Info + 'Edition: ' + OSInfo.Edition + #13#10 +
        'Service Pack Version: ' + OSInfo.ServicePackVersion + #13#10 +
        'Version: ' + OSInfo.Version;

  // Posts the information to the test log
  Log.Message('Operating system information:', Info);

C++Script, C#Script

function OSInfoSample()
  var OSInfo = Sys["OSInfo"];

  // Obtains information on the running operating system
  var Info = "Name: " + OSInfo["Name"] + " ";

  if (OSInfo["Windows64bit"])
    Info += "64-bit version" + "\r\n";
    Info += "32-bit version" + "\r\n";

  Info += "Edition: " + OSInfo["Edition"] + "\r\n" +
        "Service Pack Version: " + OSInfo["ServicePackVersion"] + "\r\n" +
        "Version: " + OSInfo["Version"];

  // Posts the information to the test log
  Log["Message"]("Operating system information:", Info);

See Also

FullName Property
Name Property
Windows64bit Property
Version Property
ServicePackVersion Property
MediaCenter Property
TabletPC Property

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