Utilities.FileSearch Method

Applies to TestComplete 12.60, last modified on September 17, 2018
This method is obsolete. See the Remarks section below.


The Utilities.FileSearch method searches for a file with the specified Name in the list of folders specified by the DirList string.



Name [in]    Required    String    
DirList [in]    Required    String    
Result String

Applies To

The method is applied to the following object:


The method has the following parameters:


Specifies the name of the file to search.


Specifies the list of folders in which the specified file will be sought. To separate folder names, use semicolons.

Result Value

If the function finds the desired file in one of the folders, it returns a string holding the full path and name of the file. If the file is not found, the function returns an empty string.


This method is obsolete. It is supported for backward compatibility only. To search for files, use the aqFileSystem.FindFiles method.

See Also

aqFileSystem.FindFiles Method
aqFileSystem.Exists Method
aqFile.Exists Method
aqFile.OpenBinaryFile Method
aqFile.OpenTextFile Method
aqFile.Delete Method

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