Web Service Checkpoint Operation

Applies to TestComplete 12.60, last modified on September 17, 2018


When performing functional testing of web services, you call a web service’s method and then check its result value. By adding the Web Service Checkpoint operation to your keyword test, you can simulate the needed method of your web service and check the method’s result data against a baseline copy of XML data that is stored in your project (web services obtain requests and return results in XML format). In other words, the Web Service Checkpoint operation lets you perform functional testing of web services from your keyword tests.

When you add a web service checkpoint to your test, TestComplete displays the Create Web Service Checkpoint wizard, in which you can specify the tested web service, the method to be called, the method’s parameters (if any) and the XMLCheckpoint element of your project that will store the baseline copy of the results.

Upon closing the wizard, TestComplete does not add a Web Service Checkpoint node to your test. Instead, it creates two operations: Call Object Method and XML Checkpoint. The Call Object Method operation is used to call the specified method of your web service. It contains a call to the WebServices.WebServiceName object that provides a scripting interface to the web service. This object stores the result of the last method call, that is, it stores the XML data that the last call to a web service method returns. The XML Checkpoint operation compares this XML data against the baseline copy, which you created when adding the web service checkpoint to your test.

Note that the XML Checkpoint operation can also be used to update the baseline XML data stored in your project. The functioning mode of the operation is specified by the Update XML data setting (you can modify it in the Stores Options dialog). By default the setting is disabled, and the operation performs the comparison. If the setting is enabled, the operation updates the stored baseline copy.


The project must have the WebServices project item with at least one WebService element.

Scripting Analogue

The Web Service Checkpoint operation is analogue to the script code that calls a web service’s method and then checks its response with an XML checkpoint.

Operation Parameters

When you add the Web Service Checkpoint operation to your keyword tests, TestComplete displays the Create Web Service Checkpoint wizard, in which you can specify the method to be called, its parameters and the XMLCheckpoint project element that will store the baseline copy of XML data. For detailed information on working with the wizard, see the wizard’s description.

For information on changing parameters of the Call Object Method and XML Checkpoint operations that were added to your test, see description of these operations:


For information on web service checkpoints, see topics of the About Web Service Checkpoints section. See also Testing Web Services.

See Also

Checkpoints Category
Testing Web Services
About Web Service Checkpoints
Specifying Operation Parameters
Checking Operation Result

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