Testing .NET Applications

Applies to TestComplete 12.60, last modified on September 17, 2018

With TestComplete, you can test your 32-bit and 64-bit .NET applications. You can record and replay various interactions with .NET applications, such as navigation through the application’s screens, filling out forms, running menu commands. To ensure that the tested application functions properly, you can insert various checkpoints for verifying data, GUI element states and other items.

This section contains information specific to .NET application testing. For general information about creating and running automated tests with TestComplete, refer to the Working With TestComplete section.

Basic Information and Requirements

About Testing .NET Applications

Explains basics of creating and recording tests for .NET applications, .NET object identification, Name Mapping and other concepts.

Supported .NET Technologies

Describes .NET application languages, compilers and .NET Framework versions supported by TestComplete.

Requirements for Testing .NET Applications

Describes plugins and settings required to test .NET applications.

Settings for Testing Network and No-Touch Deployment .NET Applications

Testing .NET applications that run from network shares and no-touch deployed .NET applications requires that the tested application run in Full Trust.

Creating Tests for .NET Applications

Addressing Objects in .NET Applications

Explains how to refer to the tested application’s GUI objects from tests using Name Mapping and without using Name Mapping.

Support for .NET Applications' Controls

Describes TestComplete automated testing support for .NET GUI objects.

Accessing Native Properties and Methods of .NET Objects

Explains how to get and set native properties of .NET objects and call native object methods in your tests.

Accessing Non-Visual Objects in .NET Applications

Explains how you can access and work with the application’s components that are not part of the GUI.

Creating Instances of .NET Classes Defined in Applications

Explains how you can create .NET objects of classes used in your tested application, for example, to use them as parameters of native method calls.

.NET Applications Unit Testing

Describes how to integrate .NET unit tests into TestComplete automated testing projects.

Related Topics of Interest

Working With TestComplete

Provides detailed information about automated testing of applications with TestComplete: creating, running and debugging automated tests, using checkpoints, analyzing test results and so on.

Working With Application Objects and Controls

Explains how to automate common operations on applications, windows and controls.

Calling Functions From .NET Assemblies

Describes how to call functions defined in .NET assemblies directly from TestComplete scripts.

Testing Web Applications

Provides information about testing ASP.NET web applications with TestComplete.

Testing WPF Applications

Provides information about testing Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) applications with TestComplete.

Testing Silverlight Applications

Provides information about testing Silverlight applications with TestComplete.

Testing ClickOnce Applications

Provides information about testing of ClickOnce deployed .NET applications with TestComplete.


TestComplete includes a number of sample .NET applications and test projects for them. You can examine these samples to better understand how to implement some common automated testing scenarios.

Sample Location Description
<TestComplete Samples>\Desktop\Orders A general purpose testing sample for the sample Orders application created with C#.
<TestComplete Samples>\Desktop\Checkpoints\ Examples of using database, table and XML checkpoints for verifying .NET applications.
<TestComplete Samples>\Common\Data-Driven Testing\ Example of data-driven testing of the Orders application using data from an Excel file.

For information about sample applications and test projects included in TestComplete, see TestComplete Samples.

See Also

Desktop Application Testing
Applications Testing

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