Low-Level Procedure Events

Applies to TestComplete 15.73, last modified on March 04, 2025
Information in this topic applies to desktop and web applications.

TestComplete saves the KeyUp, KeyDown, MouseUp, MouseDown, MouseMove and MouseWheel events during low-level recording.


The KeyDown event occurs when a user presses a key on the keyboard. The KeyDown event uses the following parameters:

Parameter Description
Virtual Code Specifies a virtual key code, for example, VK_RETURN, VK_F1, etc.
Delay Specifies duration of the KeyDown event in milliseconds.

The KeyUp event occurs when a user releases a key on the keyboard. KeyUp uses the same parameters as KeyDown.


The MouseDown event occurs when a user presses a mouse button. This event uses the following parameters:

Parameter Description
X, Y Specify a point of a mouse click in screen or window coordinates. Integer values. The type of coordinates (screen or window) depends on the procedure type selected by the user for recording.
Button Specifies a pressed mouse button. Possible values are Left, Right, Middle, X-Button1, X-Button2.
Delay Specifies duration of the MouseDown event in milliseconds.

The MouseUp event occurs when a user releases a mouse button. This event uses the same parameters as MouseDown.


The MouseMove event occurs when a user moves the mouse. This event uses the following parameters:

Parameter Description
X, Y Specify the new mouse position in screen or window coordinates. Integer values. The type of coordinates (screen or window) depends on the procedure type selected by the user for recording.
Delay Specifies duration of the MouseMove event in milliseconds.

The MouseWheel event occurs when a user turns the mouse wheel. The event uses the following parameters:

Parameter Description
Delta Specifies the distance the mouse wheel was rotated. One mouse detent is defined by the value 120, so the Delta value is a multiple of 120: 120, 240, 360 and so on. A positive value means that the wheel was rotated forward (away from the user); a negative value means that the wheel was rotated backward (toward the user).
Delay Specifies duration of the MouseWheel event in milliseconds.

You can edit recorded events and insert new ones in the Low-Level Procedure editor. For more information on this, see Editing Low-Level Procedures.

See Also

Testing Applications in Low-Level Mode
Editing Low-Level Procedures
Window- and Screen-Relative Low-Level Procedures

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