Cannot Connect to the Sentinel LDK License Manager Service on Your Computer

Applies to TestComplete 15.73, last modified on March 04, 2025

This page refers to key-based licenses — a legacy license type used in TestComplete until version 15.48. For information on the current, ID-based license type, see SmartBear ID-based Licenses.

TestComplete uses the Sentinel LDK License Manager service to activate licenses and to manage and verify license information. If the service is not running, TestComplete cannot check it and therefore cannot start, or, if the license has not been activated yet, it cannot complete the activation. The service is started automatically after TestComplete is installed and automatically starts every time the operating system loads. You receive this error message because the service is stopped or is not running properly.

To ensure that the Sentinel LDK License Manager service is running:

  1. Open the Windows Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services applet.

  2. Select the Sentinel LDK License Manager service in the list.

  3. Right-click the service and select Start or Restart from the context menu.

Once the service is running, click Try Again to close the message box.

If the service does not start or if it is not in the list, do one of the following:

  • Reinstall the HASP drivers that are used to manage and verify license information.

    See instructions

  • Reinstall TestComplete.

  • Resolve the problem by using the Licensing Troubleshooter on our website.

    Licensing Troubleshooter

See Also

Getting Help With Licenses

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