Using TestComplete With Remote Desktop Services

Applies to TestComplete 15.73, last modified on March 04, 2025

This page refers to key-based licenses — a legacy license type used in TestComplete until version 15.48. For information on the current, ID-based license type, see SmartBear ID-based Licenses.

You may use TestComplete in server-based (or Citrix) environments: you may install TestComplete on a server, open several user sessions on this server, for instance, with the Remote Desktop service, and use TestComplete in these user sessions. That is, you can use TestComplete installed on a powerful server from “weak” workstations (“thin clients”).

The number of TestComplete instances that can be run in sessions depends on your license.

  • If you have a Node-Locked license, then only one TestComplete instance can run on your computer at a time. So, you can use TestComplete in one user session only.

  • If you have a Floating User license, the number of TestComplete instances that can run concurrently is specified by the license key. You will not be able to use more instances than the number specified by the key.

If you are going to run test projects via Remote Desktop connections, we recommend that you use a Floating User license on the server for the desired number of TestComplete instances.

Alternatively, you may purchase a TestExecute license, install it on the server and use TestExecute to run tests in user sessions.

See Also

General Questions
TestComplete License Types
About Running Tests via Remote Desktop

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