What's New in TestComplete 15.65

Applies to TestComplete 15.65, last modified on July 17, 2024

Below are the changes made to TestComplete 15.65 relative to the previous version of the product, TestComplete 15.64. For information on the changes made to other versions, see Version History.

Bug fixes

  • Addressed the problem with TestComplete not terminating sessions when running mobile application tests from TestComplete execution plan on more than one environment.

  • Fixed the test filter property not working with tag expressions in pipelines.

  • The Root Folder field in exporting results to a JUnit-style report has been changed to non-required.

  • Addressed the issues of the previous version of TestComplete not recognizing controls in Object Browser while working with Mozilla Firefox ESR 115.

  • Resolved the problem with the ApplicationManager object not being returned.

  • Fixed the synchronization issue between TestComplete and BitBar while running Android mobile tests with the Execution Plan.

See Also

Version History
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