SwaggerHub UI Overview

SwaggerHub lets you create, edit and host OpenAPI and AsyncAPI definitions, collaborate on them with your team and integrate them with third-party services.

Anonymous users can browse and search the public API catalog. Logged in users can also view private APIs as well as create and edit API definitions.

SwaggerHub API explorer

When you are logged in to SwaggerHub, you see all the APIs you have access to – public and private, created by you and shared with you. If you are new to SwaggerHub and have no APIs yet, the list will be empty, but it will change once you start creating APIs.

SwaggerHub API Explore page

APIs and domains

There are two types of definitions on SwaggerHub – APIs and domains. A domain is a collection of shared components such as model definitions and operation parameters that can be used in different APIs. APIs and domains have the corresponding label in the list.

Public, private, published, and unpublished

All definitions are labeled Public or Private, and Published or Unpublished. These terms mean different things:

  • Public and Private indicate visibility. Pubic definitions can be seen by anyone, private definitions are visible only to the selected collaborators. See Public and Private APIs.

  • Published and Unpublished indicate maturity or completeness. Unpublished definitions are work in progress, published definitions are not supposed to change and are ready for consumption. See Publishing an API.


The sidebar on the left allows you to change the scope of the displayed items:

MY hub – shows all the public and private definitions you have access to, whether created by you or shared with you.

Searchsearch across all definitions on SwaggerHub. The search includes the public definitions and private definitions you have access to.

The sidebar also lists all the organizations and projects you are a member of. Select an organization or project to view its definitions.

The sidebar can be expanded or collapsed for convenience.

SwaggerHub sidebar

Interact with the API list

  • Click the API or domain title to open it.

  • Click the owner name (in the leftmost column) to filter the definitions by that owner.

  • Sort and filer the displayed definitions, or use the corresponding search filters.

  • Click share.png to copy the link to the API or domain. If you are the owner, the displayed dialog also lets you invite collaborators to this API or domain.

  • Click anywhere on the row to open the Details pane. The details include the full description, creation date, and last update date.

API details

Create APIs

Use the Create New menu to create new APIs, domains and organizations.

Creating new items in SwaggerHub

Once you create an API or domain, you can write its API definition in the SwaggerHub Editor. Here you can also preview the generated API documentation, test API calls and configure integrations.

API page on SwaggerHub

More info:


The Organizations section in the sidebar lists all the organizations you created or joined. Organizations are groups of users working together on API definitions. A user can be a member of multiple organizations.

Click an organization to see all of its APIs and domains you have access to. If you are the organization owner, you can access the organization settings by clicking next to the organization name in the sidebar.

An organization’s page in SwaggerHub

More info: Managing Resource Access.


The menu under your username lets you access your account settings. You can use it to change your email or password, view or change your plan, rename your account, manage your organizations, and so on.

User settings menu

More info: Account Settings.

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