SwaggerHub Vendor Extensions

SwaggerHub supports the following vendor extensions for OpenAPI.

Interactive documentation


Applies to: OpenAPI 2.0

Used to specify example values for path, query, header, and form parameters. These example values will be used to populate the "try it out" form in interactive API documentation.

  - in: query
    name: q
    type: string
    description: Search string
    x-example: swagger    # <-------


SwaggerHub On-Premise note: x-tokenName is supported since v. 1.18.8 for OpenAPI 2.0 and since v. 1.24 for OpenAPI 3.0.

The name of the token to be extracted from the OAuth 2.0 token endpoint response and subsequently used in the Authorization: Bearer TOKEN header. If not specified, SwaggerHub will use the standard access_token.

A typical example is the Google OAuth 2.0 flow, which returns an extra JWT id_token containing user identity information:

  "access_token": "...",
  "expires_in": 3599,
  "scope": "scope1 scope2",
  "token_type": "Bearer",
  "id_token": "....."

If your API uses Google id_token instead of access_token for authentication, add x-tokenName: id_token to the OAuth security scheme definition:

    type: oauth2
    description: See https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/OAuth2UserAgent
    flow: accessCode
    authorizationUrl: https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/v2/auth
    tokenUrl: https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v4/token
    x-tokenName: id_token    # <-------
    scopes: {}

Code generation

For a list of x- extensions supported by the code generator, see Swagger Codegen Vendor Extensions.


Amazon API Gateway


Contains API Gateway-specific information. For more information, see Amazon API Gateway Extensions in AWS documentation.


Contains AWS ID of the associated API.


OpenAPI schema keywords not supported by AWS (such as example) are moved under the x-disabled-for-amazon-gateway extension.

Apigee Edge


Contains the name of the associated Apigee API proxy.

Azure API Management


Contains Azure ID of the associated API.

IBM API Connect


Contains IBM-specific information. For more information, see IBM extensions to the OpenAPI specification in IBM documentation.


Contains an IBM ID of the associated API.

See Also

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