Available Assertions

Applies to ReadyAPI 3.58, last modified on January 16, 2025

You can use the following assertions to verify functioning of REST, SOAP and JMS virtual services:

Property Content

Assertion Description
Contains Checks if the incoming request body contains specific data. Fails, if the body has no such data.
Not Contains Checks if the incoming request body does not contain specific data. Fails, if the body contains this data.
Available for XML request bodies
Assertion Description
Message Content Assertion Lets you build a complex check that includes multiple smaller checks of XML data. Each smaller check can use its own condition and expected value.
XPath Match Checks if the incoming request body contains a specific node (element or attribute) and if the node value equals to the expected value. To extract data from the request body, the assertion uses an XPath expression.
XQuery Match Checks if the incoming request body contains specific data. To extract data from the request body, the assertion uses XQuery code.
Available for JSON request bodies

Note: The following assertions use JsonPath expressions to extract data from the body of an incoming request.

Assertion Description
JsonPath Count Counts the number of occurrences of a specific element in the incoming request body. Fails if this number differs from the expected value.
JsonPath Existence Match Checks if the incoming request body contains a specific element.
JsonPath Match Extracts data from the incoming request body and compares it against an expected value.
JsonPath RegEx Match Extracts data from the incoming request, applies regular expressions to it and compares the result with an expected value.

Compliance, Status and Standards

Assertion Description
HTTP Header Exists Checks whether the request contains a specific HTTP header. Fails if the request does not have this header.
HTTP Header Equals Checks whether the request contains a specific HTTP header with a specific value. Fails if the header does not exists or has an unexpected value.
Swagger Compliance Checks whether the request complies with a specific Swagger definition. Fails if the request does not comply with the definition.


Assertion Description
Script This assertion uses a Groovy script to perform arbitrary checks of incoming requests. The script should return true or false to signal whether the assertion passes or fails.

See Also

Validating Virtual APIs

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