Script Extensions

Applies to ReadyAPI 3.58, last modified on February 11, 2025

You can extend the default reports by using report scripts that are available for test suite and test case reports. ReadyAPI runs report scripts each time it creates a report. To work with the script, use the script editor on the Report tab of the corresponding editor:

Report Script tab

Click the image to enlarge it.

Report scripts can use the following objects:

  • log – an object for interacting with the log.

  • report – an object that holds all data used to populate the report. Its members allows you to add or adjust data and subreport data the report engine uses to fill the report template.

  • params – an object that contains all defined report parameters and their values.

  • Also, scripts can access an object that represents the current test item (testSuite or testCase).

Mostly, when working with your report data, you will use the report and params objects.

Below is information on how to perform some useful tasks by using the report script.

Changing Report Parameters

The params object allows you to modify parameters declared in a report template or on the Report Parameter tab.

To access a parameter, specify its name after the period:


params.<ParameterName> = "New Value";

For example, you define an integer parameter in a report template:


<parameter name="MyParameter" class="java.lang.Integer">

Now, you can change it from script by using the following expression:


params.MyParameter = 32;

Adding Metrics to a Report

Each default report includes some metrics produced by the MetricsReport subreport. This subreport shows the execution-related metrics. You can include extra metrics in this report by using the report.addMetric() method. For example, the following code snippet adds the version of the operating system:


report.addMetric("OS Version", System.getProperty("os.version"));

By default, new metrics are added to the Base Metrics section. You can also add them to a custom section. The code snippet below shows how to list all the system properties under the System Properties category.


for (name in System.getProperties().propertyNames())
  report.addMetric("System Properties", name, System.getProperty(name), null);

Working With Subreports

You use subreports to create a report within the main report. Each subreport uses a template and provides a data source to include the needed data in the parent report.

Using the report object you can access an existing subreport as well as create new ones. The example below shows how to create a subreport containing system properties.

Creating a Helper Class

A system property consists of two parts: the name and value. To pass it to a subreport, you can use a helper class that has two variables: name and value. ReadyAPI passes this class to the subreport template for each data record. To declare the class, open the Report script tab and enter the following code:


class NVPair
  String name; // This variable contains the name of a property
  String value; // This variable contains the value of a property
  public NVPair(String n, String v)
    name = n;
    value = v;

Creating a Subreport Template

  1. From the main menu, select Project > Reporting.

    Reporing option
  2. In the Reporting dialog, switch to the Subreports tab.

    Subreport tab

    Click the image to enlarge it.

  3. Click Add subreport template to create a new subreport template.

  4. Specify the properties of the new template:

    Add subreport dialog
  5. Enter the following text as the new template content:


    <jasperReport xsi:schemaLocation="" name="report name" language="groovy" pageWidth="535" pageHeight="842" columnWidth="535" leftMargin="0" rightMargin="0" topMargin="0" bottomMargin="0" xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="">
      <field name="name" class="java.lang.String"/>
      <field name="value" class="java.lang.String"/>
        <band height="59">
            <reportElement style="ColumnHeader" x="0" y="35" width="122" height="20"/>
            <textElement textAlignment="Left" verticalAlignment="Middle"/>
            <reportElement style="ColumnHeader" x="133" y="35" width="40" height="20"/>
            <textElement textAlignment="Left" verticalAlignment="Middle"/>
            <reportElement style="SmallHeader" x="0" y="0" width="535" height="34"/>
            <textElement textAlignment="Left" verticalAlignment="Middle"/>
            <text>System Properties</text>
        <band height="21">
            <reportElement x="0" y="1" width="122" height="20"/>
            <textElement textAlignment="Left" verticalAlignment="Top"/>
            <textFieldExpression class="java.lang.String">$F{name}</textFieldExpression>
            <reportElement x="133" y="1" width="350" height="20"/>
            <textElement textAlignment="Left" verticalAlignment="Top"/>
            <textFieldExpression class="java.lang.String">$F{value}</textFieldExpression>

    The field elements represent a piece of data obtained from a data source. The name attribute of these fields must coincide with variable names declared in a class representing the data record. In this example, two fields, name and value, match variables declared in the NVPair class on the previous step.

    To insert field values, use the $F{<field name>} expression. In the example above, the $F{name} expression inserts the value of the name variable, and $F{value} inserts the value of the variable.

Adding a Subreport to a Report Template

To add a subreport to a report, use the subreport element of the report template. To do this, perform the following steps:

  • Switch to the Available Reports tab of the Reporting dialog.

    Available Reports tab

    Click the image to enlarge it.

  • Select the template to which you want to add a template. For example, the standard Test Case Report.

  • Insert the following text to a band element, which is a child element of the detail element:


              <subreportExpression class="java.lang.String">"subreport:TestStepParametersReport"</subreportExpression>
            <subreport isUsingCache="true">
              <reportElement positionType="Float" isPrintRepeatedValues="false" x="0" y="318" width="535" height="100"/>

    Make sure the value of the height attribute of the band element is greater than the value of the height attribute of the subreport footer element. In this example, it must be greater than 418 (the sum of the y and height values).

    The following elements specify subreport details:

    • The dataSourceExpression element specifies the data source that will feed a subreport with data.

    • The subreportExpression element specifies the used subreport template.

  • To pass a data source to the subreport, we use the SystemProperties parameter. To declare the parameter in the template, specify a new parameter element at the beginning of the template:


      <parameter name="SystemProperties" class="net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRDataSource" isForPrompting="false">
        <property name="interactive" value="false"/>

Generating Data

To grab data to show and produce the needed data source, create a custom SystemPropertiesSubReport class.

  1. Add the following code at the beginning of the Report script



    public class SystemPropertiesSubReport extends AbstractJasperSubReport
      public SystemPropertiesSubReport (def modelItem)
        super(modelItem, "SystemProperties", false);

      // Create an array of the NVpair elements that is used as a data source
      public JRBeanCollectionDataSource buildDataSource(def modelItem)
        List props = new ArrayList();
        // Iterate through system properties
        for(name in
          // Create an NVPair instance that contains the name and value of a system property
          def prop = new NVPair(name, System.getProperty(name));
          // Add the system property to the array
        // Return the created array as a data source collection
        return new JRBeanCollectionDataSource(props);

  2. To build a data source and pass it to the report template, use the following code:


    // Create a subreport instance
    def subreport = new SystemPropertiesSubReport(testCase);
    // Generate a data source and pass it to the SystemProperties parameter of the report template
    params.SystemProperties = subreport.buildDataSource(report);

To test the created subreport, click and select the template to which you are adding the subreport:

Create Report dialog

Making a Subreport Optional

You can make this subreport optional:

  1. Include the following parameter element at the end of parameters element in the main template:


    <parameter class="java.lang.Boolean" name="IncludeSystemProperties">
      <property name="interactive" value="true"/>
      <property name="label" value="Include System Properties"/>
      <parameterDescription>Includes System Properties in Report</parameterDescription>

  2. Add the following conditional to the subreport element:


    <subreport isUsingCache="true">
      <reportElement height="30" isPrintRepeatedValues="false" positionType="Float" width="500" x="0" y="50">

Now when you select the created template in the Create Report dialog, you can select whether to include this subreport in the report:

Create Report dialog with added parameter

See Also

Managing Report Templates
Customizing Templates Tutorial
Configuring Report Templates

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