This topic describes how to install and configure ActiveMQ on your computer.
More details on the installation procedure are available at the ActiveMQ site.
Download the latest ActiveMQ release:
Extract the files from the archive and run the activemq file by using the command line, for example:
activemq.bat start
Download the appropriate archive:
Unpack the files.
cd /home/user/activemq
tar zxvf activemq-x.x.x-bin.tar.gz -
Find the ActiveMQ installation directory and open the bin directory.
Open the console and run the following command:
./activemq start
You can perform the same installation procedure as on Linux. Alternatively, you can use the Homebrew package manager.
To install ActiveMQ by using the Homebrew package manager:
Open the console and run the following command.
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL" -
In the Homebrew package manager, run the following command to install ActiveMQ:
brew install apache-activemq -
Find the ActiveMQ installation directory and open the bin directory.
Open the console and run the following command:
./activemq start
ActiveMQ is installed to the following folder: /usr/local/Cellar/apache-activemq/x.x.x/.
Running ActiveMQ as a Service
You may want to run ActiveMQ as a service. Services start when you load your system and run in the background. If ActiveMQ is not running, you will have to start it before running JMS tests.
The Windows distribution includes a batch file you can use to install ActiveMQ as a service.
Depending on your operating system type (32-bit or 64-bit), go to the <ActiveMQ>/bin/win32 or <ActiveMQ>/bin/win64. The folder contains the wrapper.conf file that you can use to configure the service if it is needed.
Right-click the InstallService.bat file and select Run as administrator.
For more information on running ActiveMQ as a service, see the ActiveMQ site.
The Linux distribution includes an init script used to run ActiveMQ as a service. The script files are in one of the subfolder of the bin directory. Select the file appropriate for your system.
The folder contains the wrapper.conf file that you can use to configure the service if it is needed.
The macOS distribution includes an init script used to run ActiveMQ as a service. The script files are in the <ActiveMQ>/bin/macosx folder.
The folder contains the wrapper.conf file that you can use to configure the service if it is needed.
Additional Information
The ActiveMQ site provides additional information on using ActiveMQ as a service:
To learn about the service wrapper, see:
For more information on ActiveMQ parameters, see: