Configure TestEngine

Applies to TestEngine 1.32, last modified on February 04, 2025

TestEngine general settings

TestEngine API allows you to view and modify the following settings:

Allowed paths

A list of paths to which TestEngine has access.

Allowed connection targets

A list of endpoints to which TestEngine can send requests. The default value is * that allows any connection targets.

Tip: The setting supports the * wildcard symbol in the leftmost position. For example, you can specify the * connection target to allow connections to all the subdomains of the domain.

Allowed incoming connection targets

A list of endpoints that TestEngine listens to for incoming connections.

Tip: The setting supports the * wildcard symbol in the leftmost position. For example, you can specify the * connection target to allow connections to all the subdomains of the domain.
This setting is not available in the Web UI. To view or set the setting, use TestEngine’s API.

Maximum days to keep

Test jobs created earlier than this date will be removed if you omit the before parameter when removing old test jobs.

Maximum jobs to keep

Specifies the maximum number of jobs to keep when you omit the before parameter when removing old test jobs.

Allow test steps connecting to databases using JDBC

When this setting is set to false (by default), TestEngine blocks all the JDBC connections. It means JDBC test steps and JDBC data sources will not work. Set it to true to enable them.

When you enable this option, a malefactor can read information from local file-based databases.

You can edit them by using TestEngine API or Web UI.

Configuring via API

To get the current TestEngine settings, use the following command:

GET  http://<testengine-host>:8080/api/v1/settings


The request must be authenticated by a TestEngine administrator.

See details on SwaggerHub.


To modify TestEngine settings, use the following command:

PUT  http://<testengine-host>:8080/api/v1/settings


A JSON object containing one or more of the following settings. See the possible elements in the SwaggerHub specification. The omitted settings will not be modified.

For example:

    "allowedFilePaths" : [
    "allowedConnectTargets" : [


The request must be authenticated by a TestEngine administrator.

See details on SwaggerHub.


Configuring via Web UI

  1. Go to the home page of TestEngine:


    For example, if TestEngine is installed on your local machine and you run it on the default port, use the following link:

  2. Open the Server tab and modify the needed settings:

    Configuring TestEngine: Open the Settings tab

    Click the image to enlarge it.

    To Add a new entry to a list, click Add New Path or Add New Target and specify the needed path or connection target.

    To remove an entry from a list, click Remove .

Change connection settings

To change the default TestEngine connection settings (the protocol and port), edit the readyapi-testengine.yaml configuration file in any text editor.

We do not recommend that you modify other settings in the file, since it may cause errors.

The file location depends on the operating system and on the permissions TestEngine or its installer has:

  • Windows

    <user folder>/.readyapi/readyapi-testengine.yaml

  • Linux and macOS

    If you installed TestEngine or ran it with root access:


    If you installed TestEngine without root access:


You need to restart TestEngine after modifying the file to apply the changes.




TestEngine connection settings.

    - type: http

      port: 8080

These settings configure connections established through the HTTP protocol.
Integer. The port TestEngine will listen on for HTTP requests. Default: 8080.

#Uncomment these settings to enable communication with TestEngine through the HTTPS protocol.
#    - type: https
#      port: 8443

Integer. The port the service will listen on for HTTPS requests. Default: 8443.

#      keyStorePath: example.keystore The path to the Java keystore containing the TestEngine certificate.
#      keyStorePassword: example The password for accessing the keystore.
#      validateCerts: false Whether TestEngine validates certificates. If it is true, TestEngine will not start if the certificate has expired or is invalid.

Groovy restrictions

By default, Groovy scripting has limitations on writing data to properties and files. If you need fully functional Groovy scripts in your tests, you can turn off these restrictions.

Turning off the restrictions can cause security vulnerabilities.

To turn off the limitations, you need to set the groovy.allow.all system property to true. The way you do this depends on how you run TestEngine:

  1. Go to the TestEngine installation folder.

  2. Open the ReadyAPITestEngine.vmoptions file in any text editor.

  3. Add the following line at the end of the file:

    The last line in the .vmoptions file must be followed by a new line.
  4. Save the file and restart TestEngine.

When you use the .bat or .sh file to run TestEngine, add the system property to the script file:

  1. Open the script file (readyapi-testengine.bat/sh).

  2. Go to the last but one line and insert the system property between the JAVA_OPT variable and the -cp option:

    • .bat file:

      "%JAVA%" %JAVA_OPTS% -Dgroovy.allow.all=true -cp "%CLASSPATH%" com.smartbear.ready.testserver.ReadyApiTestServerMain %*
    • .sh file:

      "$JAVA $JAVA_OPTS -Dgroovy.allow.all=true -cp $READY_API_CLASSPATH com.smartbear.ready.testserver.ReadyApiTestServerMain "$@"

If you run TestEngine in a Docker container, pass the system property to the JVM_OPT_GROOVY environment variable:

Environment variable Value
JVM_OPT_GROOVY -Dgroovy.allow.all=true

For example, if you use the docker run command to start a container, add the -e JVM_OPT_GROOVY=-Dgroovy.allow.all=true option to the command:

docker run -e JVM_OPT_GROOVY=-Dgroovy.allow.all=true -p 8082:8080 -it smartbear/readyapi-testengine

Relative Paths to Project Resources

By default, ReadyAPI uses absolute paths to files. This approach must change when you use the same test on multiple machines or share it with multiple users because not all of them will have the files you need in the same place. To solve this issue, use the Resource Root project property.

Please see here for instructions on how to configure the Resource Root project property.

Use alternative configuration file

By default, TestEngine uses the configuration file described above. You can make TestEngine use an alternative settings file.

To do this, run the TestEngine executable with the -c (--cfg) <arg> argument. For example:


testengine.exe --cfg C:\Work\alt-testengine-config.yaml

Linux/macOS --cfg ~/alt-testengine-config.yaml

To avoid errors, copy the settings file to the needed place, then run TestEngine with the -c (--cfg) option, and change settings by using web UI or API if possible.

See Also

Administrative Tasks

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