
Applies to ReadyAPI 3.58, last modified on January 16, 2025

The test runner allows you to run functional tests and export results.

You can start the runner from the command line or from the ReadyAPI user interface. The latter approach is useful, when you need to build the command line and check the settings.

Tip: Besides automating runs of functional tests, you can also automate runs of security tests and performance tests.

To use the command line runner, you need an active ReadyAPI Test license. If ReadyAPI runs without a license, the command line runner will ask you to specify the path to a license file.

To get a ReadyAPI Test license, sign up for a free trial.


You can find the runner in the <ReadyAPI>/bin directory. The file name is testrunner.bat (Windows) or testrunner.sh (Linux and macOS).


TestRunner is installed along with ReadyAPI and uses the same modules. It does not require any special license as it uses the existing ReadyAPI Test license you have.

Test runner specifics

ReadyAPI checks the folder specified in the Script Library folder every 5 seconds. If you set the script library folder dynamically, you need to wait for it to be loaded to use it. To do this, add a delay to your script after you command it to load the script library:

project.scriptLibrary = project.getPropertyValue("dataPath")

If you run a test on a headless machine, add the -Djava.awt.headless=true JVM option. It prevents the test runner from interacting with UI elements. To learn how to set the option, see Modifying JVM Settings.

Get Generated Command Line

Via Get Command Line

Specify the needed parameters in the dialog and click Get Command Line.

The Get Command Line button

Click the image to enlarge it.

ReadyAPI will generate the command line and show it in a separate dialog.

The dialog with the command line

Click the image to enlarge it.

To copy the text to the clipboard, select it using the mouse and click Copy to Clipboard.

Via Runner Launch

Specify the needed parameters in the dialog and click Launch to start the runner.

Launching the test runner

Click the image to enlarge it.

You will see the test log.

The Test log window

Click the image to enlarge it.

ReadyAPI will generate the command line and place it at the beginning of the test log.

ReadyAPI: The command line in the test log

Click the image to enlarge it.

You can select the text in the window with the mouse and copy it to the clipboard.

See Also

Command-Line Arguments
Test Runner GUI

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