Malformed XML

Applies to ReadyAPI 3.54, last modified on September 23, 2024

To test the behavior of your service, try sending different variations of malformed XML content.

  • Volatile elements:

        <user_name> smartbear</username>
        <pass_word> ReaDyAP1R0ck5</password>

        <user> smartbear</username>
        <pass> ReaDyAP1R0ck5</password>

    The following result reveals the required element in the login request:

        <error>element username is expected.</error>

  • Missing end elements:


  • Missing start elements:


  • Malformed namespaces.

    <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:demo="">
            <demo:username> smartbear</demo:username>
            <demo:password> ReaDyAP1R0ck5</demo:password>

    For this request, use the following options:

    1. Change one of the namespaces.

      <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:demo="">
              <username> smartbear</demo:username>
              <demo:password> ReaDyAP1R0ck5</demo:password>

    2. Put an extra quote:

      <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=""">
              <username> smartbear</demo:username>
              <demo:password> ReaDyAP1R0ck5</demo:password>

See Also

Sample Login Tests

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