Working With Projects

Applies to ReadyAPI 3.57, last modified on December 20, 2024

This topic contains the detailed description of how to perform basic actions upon projects in ReadyAPI.

Opening Projects

When you start ReadyAPI, all your projects are closed. To open the project, perform any of the following actions:

  • Double-click it in the Navigator.

  • Right-click it in the Navigator and select Open.

  • Select it in the Navigator and select Project > Open from the main menu.

Closing Projects

You can close unused projects to use less memory. To do it:

  • Right-click the project in the Navigator and select Close.

  • Select the project in the Navigator and select Project > Close from the main menu.

Saving Projects

To save the project during the work, perform one of the following actions:

  • Right-click the project and select Save from the context menu.

  • Select Project > Save from the main menu.

  • Use the Ctrl+S shortcut.

You can also save a project to a new location. For this:

  • Right-click the project and select Save As from the context menu.

  • Select Project > Save As from the main menu.

  • Use the Ctrl+Shift+S shortcut.

To save all opened projects,

  • Select File > Save All Projects from the main menu.

– or –

  • Use the Ctrl+Alt+S shortcut.

ReadyAPI saves all the opened projects automatically on exit. If you did not save the project before, it asks you to specify the location. If you do not want to save projects on exit, select File > Exit without saving from the main menu.

Note: Whenever you save a project, the corresponding project files gets updated. If and when you connect to Git, Git will detect that change and ask you to commit and push it.


ReadyAPI can automatically save all open projects. To enable autosave, open the UI tab of ReadyAPI Preferences and specify the Autosave interval option.

Removing Projects From Workspace

To delete a project from the workspace:

  • Right-click the desired project and select Remove.

– or –

  • Select the desired project.

  • Click Project > Remove.

In the subsequent dialog, confirm the operation to finish removing.

Renaming Project

To rename a project:

  • Right-click the desired project and select Rename from the context menu.

– or –

  • Select Project > Rename from the main menu.

Enter the desired name in the subsequent dialog and click Ok.

See Also

Working with Projects

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