PerformanceTestRunner GUI

Applies to ReadyAPI 3.58, last modified on February 11, 2025

Running the Utility

To launch the runner from ReadyAPI, right-click a load test in the Navigator and select the launch command from the context menu:

ReadyAPI Performance: Launching PerformanceTestRunner From Context Menu

After you selected a menu command, ReadyAPI displays a dialog box, where you can configure the parameters of the run (see below). You can then use the generated command string to run the utility from the command line.


The load test runner is installed along with ReadyAPI and uses the same modules. It does not require any special license as it uses the existing ReadyAPI Performance license you have.


The configuration dialog organizes the utility parameters in the following tabs:

Basic Tab
Basic Tab
Parameter Description

LoadUI Test

Specifies the load test to be run. This parameter is an analogue of the -n command-line argument. If this parameter is not specified, the runner executes all load tests in your project.

TestRunner Path

Specifies the fully-qualified name of the runner file (loadtestrunner.bat or .sh). By default, the file is located in the <ReadyAPI>\bin directory.

Save Project

Commands ReadyAPI to save the test project before running the test.

We would recommend that you select this check box to make sure you are always running the most recent version of your project. The runner works with the settings that it loads from your project file. Until you save changes to the project file on the disk, the runner does not “know” about them.

Suppose that you added a new statistics group to the Statistics page of your load test editor. If the check box is clear, and you want to export new statistics data to a file after the test run, the export will not work, because the changes are not in the project file on the disk. Either save your project, or select this check box to save it automatically before the test run.

Overrides Tab
Overrides Tab
Parameter Description


Specifies the environment to be used for a test run. The Environment drop-down list contains the environments that you configured in the Environments dialog.

This parameter is an analogue of the -E, --environment command-line argument.

Arriving/Base VUs

Specifies the number of virtual users for simulation:

  • If your test uses the Rate load type, this parameter overrides the Arriving VUs setting.

  • If your load test is using the VUs load type, this parameter overrides the VUs setting of your load test.

This parameter is an analogue of the -u, --users command-line argument.

Test Duration Limit

Specifies the maximum allowed execution time for the test in seconds. 0 or an empty value means the limit is not set.

This parameter is an analogue to the SECONDS part of the -L<SECONDS:TARGETS:FAILURES> command-line argument.

Target Number Limit

Specifies the maximum number of runs for the targets (test cases) that are used in your load test. Each test case execution includes the target run counter. If some target runs in a loop, then each iteration increases the target run counter. When the counter exceeds the specified number, the runner stops the test execution. 0 or empty value means the limit is not set.

This parameter is an analogue to the TARGETS part of the -L<SECONDS:TARGETS:FAILURES> command-line argument.

Failure Limit

Specifies the maximum allowed number of error messages. If the number of logged error messages exceeds this value, the runner stops the test execution. 0 or empty value means the limit is not set.

This parameter is an analogue to the FAILURES part of the -L<SECONDS:TARGETS:FAILURES> command-line argument.


Specifies the remote agents to be used for the test run. Specify each agent on a new line. Use strings of the following format:

ip-or-computer-name[:port][=scenario 1[,scenario 2...]]

If you do not specify a scenario to be run, ReadyAPI will run all the scenarios on the agent. If the scenario name includes spaces, enclose the entire line in quotes.

Some examples:

  •– runs all scenarios on the specified agent;

  • " Scenario"– runs New Scenario on the specified agent;

  • " Scenario 2"– runs New Scenario 2 on the specified agent;

  • VM-Win7:8800=Scenario3– runs Scenario3 on the VM-Win7 agent.

  • "VM-Win7=New Scenario 1,New Scenario 2"– runs New Scenario 1 and New Scenario 2 on the specified agent;

You can find the scenario names in the load test editor:

Scenario name in the editor

The Agents parameter is significant only if Local Mode is disabled. If Local Mode is enabled, distribution is not used.

The Agents parameter overrides the agent settings of your load test that you specify on the Distribution page of the load test editor.

If the parameter is empty, the runner will use the test settings.

The Agents parameter is an analogue of the -a, --agents command-line argument.

To use load distribution, you need a ReadyAPI Performance license. To try how it works, sign up for a free trial on our web site.

Local Mode

If this parameter is enabled, the runner will run all test cases on the local computer. Otherwise, the runner will distribute the test cases among the test agents.

If you specify this parameter for the runner, it will override the Run scenarios... setting of your load test:

The "Run Scenarios..." Setting

The Local Mode parameter is an analogue of the -l, --local command-line argument.

Abort requests

Specifies how the test runner will handle requests running at the moment when stopping the test. Can be f (default), or t.

  • If this parameter is f or not specified, the runner will wait until the ongoing requests are completed, and then will stop the test execution. The results of this ongoing request execution will be included into the overall test results.

  • If the parameter is t, the ongoing requests will be interrupted and their results will not be added to the test results.

This parameter is an analogue of the -A, --abort command-line argument.

Reports Tab
Parameter Description

Create Reports

Commands the runner to save reports to the directory specified by the Root Folder parameter.

Along with Root Folder, the Create Report parameter is an analogue of the -r, --reports command-line argument.

Root Folder

The fully-qualified name of the directory that will store exported test reports. If the specified directory does not exist, it will be created.

If you specify an existing directory, report files in it will be overwritten.

This parameter is required if you selected the Create Report check box. Along with Create Report, it is an analogue of the -r, --reports command-line argument.

Report Format

Specifies the format of generated reports. Possible values: Default, PDF, XLS, HTML, RTF, CSV, TXT and XML.

This parameter is an analogue of the -F, --format command-line argument. Default means this command-line argument is not specified. In this case, the runner generates a PDF report.


Specifies the statistics groups to be included in the report. By default, all statistics groups are included in the report. To include only some of the groups, select the Include custom statistics option and choose the needed statistics groups.

JUnit-Style Results

Commands the runner to generate a JUnit-style report.

Group results

Commands the runner to group JUnit-style results by assertion types. If it is not selected, the results are grouped by the test, scenario or target level.

Export Statistics Tab
Export Statistics Tab

Using the Export Statistics tab, you can save data of statistics groups (charts) to .CSV files.

For each statistics group that you want to export, specify the fully-qualified name of the target file in the corresponding field. Other statistics groups will not be exported.

If the specified file already exists, it will be overwritten.

Parameters of the Export Statistics tab are analogues of the -e, --export command-line argument.

Properties Tab

Properties Tab

On the Properties tab, you can specify values of the global, system and project variables that will take effect during the test run. The values you specify will override these variable values you have in other ReadyAPI dialogs and panels.

To specify variable values, use strings of the following format: variable-name=value.

Separate multiple name=value pairs with spaces or put each pair into a new line. If a variable name or value includes spaces, enclose the entire pair in quotes. Some examples:

  • sun.cpu.endian=little

  • "Sample Data=C:\Tests\Data"

  • ServiceEndpoint=

The parameters on this page are analogues of the following command-line arguments:

Text Box Command-Line Argument

Global Properties


System Properties


Project Properties


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