Discarding Changes

Applies to ReadyAPI 3.58, last modified on February 04, 2025

To discard unwanted changes you have made to your project, follow these steps:

  1. Click Git on the main toolbar.

  2. Select Discard All Changes.

    Git integration in ReadyAPI: Discard changes in Git panel

    Click the image to enlarge it.

Important notes:

  • This action will automatically save the project.

  • To learn about the project structure and the items that appear in the dialog, see Composite Project Structure.

  1. Right-click the project in the Navigator panel and select Git > Discard Changes from the context menu.

    Show image

    — or —

    Select Project > Git > Discard Changes from the main menu.

    Show image

    This action will automatically save the project.

    Note: If the command is disabled, make sure you enabled integration with Git.

  2. The Git Discard dialog will appear:

    Git integration: Git Discard Dialog

    The dialog lists the changed files. To learn what each file is used for, see Composite Project Structure.

    In the dialog:

    • Select the changes you want to discard.


      To view the difference between file versions, click the View option in the Details column. This will open a window where you can see the difference:

      Diff viewer window

      Click the image to enlarge it.

    • Click Discard.

ReadyAPI will discard all local changes to specified items.


  • Some changes may affect more than one item at a time.

  • You can discard the changes that have not been committed yet.

See Also

Git Integration

Highlight search results