LoadUI agent for Docker

Applies to ReadyAPI 3.58, last modified on February 11, 2025


Docker provides an easy way to deploy your applications across multiple computers. You run applications in docker containers, which are universal for any operating system.

The ready-api-loadui-agent docker image provides you with preconfigured environment with the installed LoadUI agent that you can use in your distributed tests.

Docker image

To run a LoadUI agent in a Docker container, use the following image from Docker Hub:


Required license

To be able to run a distributed load test, you must have a ReadyAPI Performance Pro license. You must activate it on the computer where you will run your load test.

Tip: You can use a trial license to try ReadyAPI Performance Pro out. To learn how to get it, see Online Activation of a Trial License Without ReadyAPI.

The docker image of a load agent does not require any additional license.

Hardware requirements

This topic describes how to use Docker with ReadyAPI on the Hyper-V virtualization platform. To do that, use the same environment you use to run your Docker images. There are no specific requirements for this.

To learn more, see the Docker documentation:

To run ReadyAPI tools in Docker containers on other virtualization platforms, additional configuration may be required. Please see the corresponding documentation.

Start LoadUI agent

To run the Docker LoadUI agent, use the following command:

docker run -p 1991:1991 smartbear/ready-api-loadui-agent

The -p option binds port 1991 of a container to port 1991 of the host machine. This is the default port used to connect ReadyAPI Performance with the LoadUI agent in the docker container.

If you want to bind the LoadUI agent to another host port, specify the desired port before the colon, for example -p 1992:1991.

Connect to LoadUI agent in Docker container

ReadyAPI does not detect LoadUI agent running in Docker containers. You will have to add them manually:

  1. In ReadyAPI Performance, open the Distribution page.

  2. Click Add Agent to add an agent.

  3. In the subsequent dialog, specify the following:

    Option Description

    The address of the host where you run the container.


    The port on the host machine you bind to port 1991 of the container.

See Also

Docker Images

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