Features Added to ReadyAPI 3.56.0

Applies to ReadyAPI 3.57, last modified on December 20, 2024
Important Notice for ReadyAPI Customers

ReadyAPI has fully transitioned to the ID-based SmartBear License Management (SLM) system. We strongly encourage users still utilizing file-based licensing, including key-based and ProtectionLS floating licenses, to migrate before the September 1, 2024 deadline to avoid commercial impact. Please be aware that support for file-based licensing has ended and technical support is no longer available, which may lead to unresolved technical issues.

If you cannot migrate from file-based licensing before September 1, 2024, it is crucial to contact your SmartBear representative immediately to align with our deprecation plans and avoid disruptions. Additionally, retaining file-based licenses for any solution expansions or renewals after this date will result in a service charge of up to 30% of the renewal or expansion invoice value to cover the extension costs. To avoid these charges, please initiate your migration now.

If you are still in the process of migrating or have yet to start, contact your Account Manager or SmartBear representative today. Our teams are ready to assist with smooth transition strategies. For additional support, please log a request with our Customer Care Team, who are standing by to help.

Upcoming Enhancements to ReadyAPI Documentation Experience

In the coming weeks, we will be updating the ReadyAPI product documentation to provide a more streamlined and consistent user experience across our entire product portfolio. While retaining all essential information, the updated documentation will feature a fresh design that makes it easier to navigate, read, and utilize.

The new documentation experience will offer several key benefits:

  • Enhanced panel structure and navigation: A reorganized layout for quicker, more intuitive access to content.
  • Improved search capabilities: Find information faster with a more powerful and precise search function.
  • Better usability: Simplified viewing and expanding of sections, making it easier to locate and understand relevant details.

ReadyAPI 3.56.0 includes a few changes compared to the previous product version – ReadyAPI 3.55.0. For information on the changes made to other versions, see Version History.

Conditional Match Enhancements

  • Conditional Match Deletion: Users can now delete items in Conditional Match configuration when applying a filter or using the search function.

  • Display and Export Conditional Match Requests as JSON: Users can now view Conditional Match requests in JSON format and export the structure to a JSON file. For more information, visit this page.

  • Improved Import Configuration: Users can now configure the Import from File and Record from Traffic features to ignore headers, null parameters, empty objects, empty arrays, and empty strings. For more information, visit this page.

  • R/R Pairs Import Success Confirmation: Users will now receive a confirmation when Request/Response pairs are successfully imported. For more information, visit this page.

  • Signature Name Matching: Signature names are now automatically updated if reassigned to ensure consistency.

  • Signature Reordering: Users can now reorder signatures within the signature list, which can be useful when a ‘Size of’ value is specified for a field in a signature. For more information, visit this page.

General Enhancements

  • Move or Copy Virtual Actions: Users can now move or copy a Virtual Action from one Virtual Service to another, allowing for greater flexibility in managing Virtual Services. For more information, visit this page.

  • Enhanced Regular Expression Handling: Regular expression handling has been updated to enhance security.

  • External DTD Validation Disabled by Default: External DTD validation is now disabled by default to improve security while processing SOAP artifacts such as WSDLs, Requests, and Responses. However, users can enable it in Global Preferences if needed. For more information, visit this page.

  • AWS Pricing Calculator Removed: The AWS pricing calculator has been removed from ReadyAPI 3.56.0.

  • Updated Javadocs: Java methods and classes (Javadocs) were updated to align with the changes in ReadyAPI 3.56.0. For more information, visit this page.

  • Library Updates: ReadyAPI 3.56.0 includes newer versions of some libraries that version 3.55.0 used. If your scripts refer to classes from these libraries, you might need to update the scripts.

Please see here for a list of fixes included in this patch.

See Also

Version History

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