Features Added to ReadyAPI 3.30

Applies to ReadyAPI 3.57, last modified on December 20, 2024

ReadyAPI 3.30.0 includes a few changes as compared to the previous version of the product – ReadyAPI 3.20.2. For information on the changes made to other versions, see Version History.

ReadyAPI Test

  • The API Connection test step for gRPC messages now has the new "Include default fields" property. This property configures whether ReadyAPI adds fields that have been missed in the message but exist in the Protobuf schema.

  • When you specify the Content-Type header of the API Connection test step, ReadyAPI suggests you the most popular media types:

    Content-Type suggestion

    Click the image to enlarge it.

  • In the previous ReadyAPI versions, you could not configure the Sensitive Files Exposure assertion. Now, you can set which response status codes cause errors and which ones - warnings.

  • We’ve enhanced the Smart Assertion:

    • Now, it is possible to modify the list of metadata to verify.

    • If a verified test step is based on the Protobuf schema, you can now preconfigure the assertion using the schema.

ReadyAPI Virtualization

ReadyAPI now decodes JMS bytes messages sent to virtual services. It means that:

  • you can view decoded bytes messages in the Text tab in the Transaction log:
  • assertions that you specify for JMS virtual services work with bytes messages:
JMS virtual service decodes bytes messages

Click the image to enlarge it.


  • ReadyAPI now supports Windows 11.

  • We’ve improved the names of a few ReadyAPI preferences to make them clearer.

  • We have fixed a few bugs reported by our customers.

See Also

Version History

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