Features Added to ReadyAPI 3.10.1

Applies to ReadyAPI 3.54, last modified on July 23, 2024

ReadyAPI 3.10.1 is a minor release containing various bug fixes. For information on the changes made to other versions, see Version History.

Overall improvements

  • There is a new Java virtual machine option - oauth2.access.token.retrieval.timeout. It configures the timeout of getting a new access token during the OAuth 2.0 automation process. It can be useful if the process of getting a new access token takes more than 5 seconds.

  • We’ve improved the dark UI theme.

  • We’ve updated a few third-party libraries to make the product even more reliable and secure. If your scripts refer to classes from these libraries, you might need to update the scripts.

  • We have fixed a few bugs reported by our customers.

Discontinued support

ReadyAPI no longer supports the following obsolete and rarely used tools:

  • Axis 1.x

  • Axis 2.x

  • Apache CXF 2.x


  • JAX-RPC Wscompile

  • JBossWS WsConsume

  • JBossWS WsTools

  • JWSDP/JAX-WS Wsimport

  • GSoap

  • Oracle wsa

  • TcpMon


  • Web Services Description Language Tool (Wsdl.exe)

  • XFire 1.x

  • XmlBeans

See Also

Version History

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