Bug Fixes in ReadyAPI 3.8.0

Applies to ReadyAPI 3.57, last modified on December 20, 2024

In ReadyAPI 3.8.0, the following issues reported by our customers have been fixed:


  • Sometimes the confirmLicenseLock error could occur. (RIA-15857)

  • The Add Endpoint dialog could be unusable if there was a long name of an environment or authentication profile. (RIA-16315)

  • The Git Authentication dialog was unusable on high DPI displays. (RIA-16016)

  • The iss property of the JWT authentication did not support property expansions. (RIA-16002)

  • Running tests of a composite project caused files to update even when they were not changed. (RIA-15228)

  • There were warnings in the log when importing ReadyAPI’s REST sample project. (RIA-13477)

ReadyAPI Test

  • The report generated by the test runner exposed sensitive data. (RIA-16447)

  • In some cases, ReadyAPI could not show the payload of the REST request in the RAW panel. (RIA-10706)

  • The XPath Match assertion could hang when using wildcards. (RIA-6695)

  • The getProperties() method of the project object returned property values specified for the default environment. (RIA-6337)

ReadyAPI Performance

  • ReadyAPI posted a wrong error message to the log when a user was using the AppDynamics monitor. (RIA-15858)

  • When a user was selecting an application in the AppDynamic settings, ReadyAPI was always waiting for the list of applications for a minute. Now, this value is identical to the Update Rate value. (RIA-15960)

  • The Test Connection option for the AppDynamics monitor behaved incorrectly when the proxy was on. (RIA-15959)

See Also

Version History
What's New in ReadyAPI

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