Bug Fixes in ReadyAPI 3.57.0

Applies to ReadyAPI 3.58, last modified on February 11, 2025

In ReadyAPI 3.57.0, we fixed the following issues reported by our customers:


RIA-5xxx1 represents the Jira ticket number. It will help you track back bugs resolved in version 3.57.0.
  • Fixed:
    • An issue where dynamic property expansion did not work in the Create File and File Wait test steps (RIA-19433 and RIA-23266).

    • An issue with memory usage optimization during project operations. Whenever users performed actions such as opening a project with a virtual API or running functional test cases, and then closing the project, memory utilization did not return to its original value or state. Importing and closing a second project would further increase memory usage, particularly with large projects. Memory utilization now returns to its approximate initial value after performing actions such as importing projects, opening APIs, running API functional tests, opening security tests, performing load tests, opening virtual APIs, adding custom properties, adding requests, configuring dispatch methods, and then closing the project, ensuring no memory retention occurs (RIA-23086).

    • An error in the Virtual Service configuration which occured when entering values greater than 100 in the Max routed responses per action field. The error is removed in 3.57.0, and users can define limits or leave the field empty for unlimited routing. The field name has also been updated to Max route and response recorded per virtaction for better clarity (RIA-23089).

    • An issue where saving a project without making any changes caused unintended file differences, resulting in Git warnings. ReadyAPI now ensures no files are modified or committed when no changes are made (RIA-23213).

    • A bug where the Test Step Editor failed to open when a test case was selected. This issue caused an error log entry after double-clicking the test case (RIA-17446).

    • An exception during Docker Runner execution when the readyapi.migration.ignore flag was not used. Migration checks now perform correctly using the -v parameter, decoding the settings file without errors (RIA-23042).

    • An issue where Kafka test step connection settings could not access the test step context or project-level property expansions. These properties now work as expected (RIA-22795).

    • An issue where both the Conditional Routing Script and Request Routing Script were saved as routingScript in the XML configuration, causing conflicts in the project (RIA-19543 and RIA-22808).

    • An issue where creating two signatures for a single request (using Size Of) returned an incorrect response. This functionality now behaves as expected (RIA-23282).

    • An issue in Conditional Match where a NullPointerException error appeared, and a 500 status was shown in the transaction logs when running specific requests in some projects. After removing any random parameter and rerunning the request, the correct NO_MATCH_FOUND response was returned. This issue has now been resolved (RIA-23370).

    • Improved how ReadyAPI handles file changes to make it more compatible with Git. This change is part of a larger effort to enhance ReadyAPI’s Git integration (RIA-23383).

    • A visual bug causing items on the Virtual APIs screen to be misaligned (RIA-23624).

    • A problem where the license would disappear after a system restart in some cases (RIA-23378).

    • A bug that prevented the proper release of an SLM floating license when closing ReadyAPI (RIA-23281).

    • A performance issue causing problems when running large projects. When the Discard Successful Results test case option was checked, running a test case under Testrunner CLI would cause successful test step results to remain in memory, gradually increasing memory usage and slowing down the machine (RIA-23345).

    • A problem that prevented users from using the Jira plugin in newer versions of ReadyAPI (RIA-23469).

    • An issue where the ‘Resource’ field was cleared after sending a request (RIA-23015).

See Also

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