Bug Fixes in ReadyAPI 3.20.0

Applies to ReadyAPI 3.54, last modified on July 23, 2024

In ReadyAPI 3.20.0, the following issues reported by our customers have been fixed:


  • Copy and paste didn't work in certain areas of ReadyAPI on MacOS. (RIA-18530)

  • The Save As command didn't work when switching from the standard to composite project. (RIA-18356)

  • ReadyAPI didn't recognize manual proxy settings when installing integrations. (RIA-16941)

  • Script results were trimmed and could not be copied from the script result dialog. (RIA-18443)

  • Fixed issues with offline activation emails not coming. (RIA-18485)

ReadyAPI Test

  • ReadyAPI could sometimes become unresponsive when running a test step. (RIA-18693)

  • The loss of connection to the analytics server could cause errors when running tests with test runners or Maven. (RIA-18476)

  • The Change Operation command sometimes failed to work for SOAP operations. (RIA-14301)

  • The Directory data source could work incorrectly when using paths with the / symbol. (RIA-16439)

  • Values in Excel data sources weren't getting updated with formulas. (RIA-16129)

  • The ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException error could occur when running test cases with Grid data sources in parallel. (RIA-9920)

  • Certain characters in Data Generator property values could cause errors when saving the project. (RIA-15906)

  • The Raw and Table response tabs in the JDBC Request test step sometimes appeared empty for non-empty responses. (RIA-9517)

  • It took ReadyAPI a long time to generate a printable test case report for large raw responses. (RIA-15413)

  • An error could occur when generating a printable report on Linux. (RIA-9744)

  • The Weak Authentication security scan produced an incorrect error. (RIA-18461)

ReadyAPI Performance

  • Load test runs on agents could take an indefinite time to end. (RIA-18457)

  • The NullPointerException error could occur when writing statistics during the test. (RIA-18456)

ReadyAPI Virtualization

  • The Virtual Service Runner test step could not connect to VirtServer using a non-default account. (RIA-14519)

See Also

Version History
What's New in ReadyAPI

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