Bug Fixes in ReadyAPI 2.6

Applies to ReadyAPI 3.54, last modified on September 13, 2024

This topic describes the changes made to ReadyAPI 2.6.


  • If a user imported an OpenAPI 3.0 definition, ReadyAPI did not create a JSON body for POST requests. (RIA‑6051)

  • In some cases, when a user imported a Swagger definition, ReadyAPI did not get element properties in a sample JSON body if the element was specified as a reference nested at the fourth or deeper level. (RIA‑8326)

  • The NullPointerException error occurred when a user added a parameter to a request based on a Swagger 2.0 definition without the basePath field. (RIA‑9673)

  • If a user imported a Postman collection, ReadyAPI did not create a JSON body for PUT requests. (RIA‑2452)

  • The Maven plugin required additional dependency. (RIA‑9615)

  • It was impossible to create a REST request parameter of the Template type on the Method level. (RIA‑9142)

  • It was impossible to open the context menu for request parameters, so, users could not use the Get data dialog to specify property expansions. (RIA‑9121)

  • ReadyAPI did not work correctly with cookies sent to the fourth-level subdomains. (RIA‑8102)

  • Requests that use authorization of the AWS type did not contain the required x-amz-content-sha256 header. (RIA‑9777)

  • If a user used the Authorization Code Grant flow to get an OAuth 2.0 access token, ReadyAPI got the code parameter from the first URL with this parameter instead of the URL that started with redirect_uri. (RIA‑9192)

  • If a user selected another environment while editing a property value in the Environment dialog, the value was not applied to the property and remained in the edit mode for the newly selected environment. (RIA‑3349)

  • ReadyAPI did not change the JDBC connection when a user switched to another environment. (RIA‑8466)

  • ReadyAPI consumed too much memory when loading projects with a lot of definitions. (RIA‑9084)

  • If a user set focus to the XML editor and minimized ReadyAPI, the CPU usage increased significantly. (RIA‑9197)

  • ReadyAPI saved the cache of a WSDL to a composite project even if the WSDL > Cache WSDLs option was set to false. (RIA‑9657)

  • The NullPointerException error was posted to the ReadyAPI log if a user saved a project with an encrypted property. (RIA‑8100)

  • Square brackets in URLs were not encoded. (RIA‑9220)

  • ReadyAPI did not get a new available floating license if the previous license was not available. (RIA‑9130)


  • The JSONPath Match assertion compared strings containing quotes in a wrong way. (RIA‑9126)

  • Information posted to the Script assertion log of a test step was posted to the Script assertion log of other test steps as well. (RIA‑9368)

  • The Groovy script test step returned JSON strings without quotes. (RIA‑8093)

  • The Get Data dialog opened via the context menu did not insert a property expansion into request property values. (RIA‑9103)

  • The Select JSON dialog did not appear when a user selected a property with JSON content in the Get Data dialog. (RIA‑9107)

  • Dynamic property expansions in the Message Selector field of the JMS Headers panel did not work. (RIA‑7154)

  • When a user sent Send-only JMS requests, an error occurred. (RIA‑9916)

  • When a user added an assertion to the JMS Request test step via the Outline editor, the test step was renamed. (RIA‑8850)

  • It was impossible to load the body of a REST request from a representation of the application/json media type. (RIA‑6868)

  • If a user ran a test suite without an enabled test case, an error occurred. (RIA‑9193)

  • ReadyAPI sent headers that did not have names. (RIA‑8552)

  • It was impossible to resize the request and response editors horizontally. (RIA‑8976)

  • If a user deleted a test case, the focus in the Navigator panel did not move to the parent test suite. (RIA‑6085)

  • It was impossible to update and refactor RAML definitions. (RIA‑9524)

  • If a user used the %project%, %reports% or %ext% variable more than once when specifying the Docker command line, only one of the occurrences was replaced with the actual value. (RIA‑9850)

  • The SoapUI Pro Functional Testing extension did not work due to a wrong extension label. (RIA‑9652)

  • The “No completion class has been found for the class” warning message was posted to the log if a user clicked a test suite. (RIA‑9469)


  • If a user enabled showing properties in the Navigator panel, ReadyAPI showed the properties of SoapUI test items (test steps, test cases and so on) in Secure. (RIA‑9792)


  • The values of some metrics in printable reports were set to zero. (RIA‑8593)

  • The “Failed to publish message” error occurred in various situations. (RIA‑6479)

  • The error message that was displayed when a user tried to generate a report with the “Maximum number of test executions to be saved” property set to 0 was not clear. (RIA‑8462)

  • It was impossible to generate a report after a long test run due to the “Unable to retrieve next track entry!” error. (RIA‑7702)


  • The transaction log of JDBC virtual services did not show failed and routed requests. (RIA‑8614, RIA‑8615)

  • The transaction log of SOAP virtual services incorrectly showed requests that did not match the service definition. (RIA‑8554).

  • In some cases, when a user generated a virtual service from a Swagger definition, a wrong JSON response was created. (RIA‑9143)

See Also

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