Bug Fixes in Ready! API 1.3

Applies to ReadyAPI 3.56, last modified on November 25, 2024

In version 1.3, the following bugs reported by our customers have been fixed:


  • Adding new WSDLs to a project did not update Ready! API’s environment settings.

  • The search function in the Outline view searched for elements, not for their values.

  • The Schema Compliance assertion reported about valid WADLs even though it did not find WADL files.

  • The Property Transfer TestStep did not extract data from JSON requests correctly if the Path language parameter was set to XQuery.

  • It was possible to set the Path language parameter to XPath for JSON requests.

  • Changes made to JSON data on the Form page of the REST request editor did not appear on the Outline page of the editor.

  • The "xs:" button was displayed on the Form page of the request editor for JSON data.

  • The Endpoint parameter of TestSteps was not updated until the step editor was closed and reopened.

  • In certain cases, Ready! API failed to receive an MTOM response.

  • Renaming a TestSuite of a composite project did not rename the directory on the hard driver that stored the test suite’s files.

  • The Fail on Empty and Goto Loop on Empty check boxes of the DataSource TestStep have been replaced with radio buttons, as one of them had no effect if the other was selected.

  • It was impossible to clear the Outgoing WSS field in the environment settings.

  • Changing the value of the Incoming WSS field in environment settings had no effect.

  • An exception occurred when the user tried to import WADL protected by basic HTTP authentication.

  • The TestStep editor did not display the Table page with response data.

  • After cloning, the cloned Assertions TestSteps had invalid settings.

  • The AutoSave Interval was dropped after Ready! API was restarted.

  • The command-line test runner failed to run a test project.

  • Ready! API could hang when loading web service definitions.

  • Ready! API did not create custom properties when the user assigned a value to a custom property in a Groovy script.

  • The Assertions page of the TestStep editor could become locked if the user ran tests several times in series.

  • In certain cases, the Table page was hidden from the TestStep editor.

  • It was possible to select a REST request when creating a SOAP Request TestStep.


  • It was impossible to remove statistics during the test run.

  • "Out of Memory" errors could occur when Ready! API ran a load test simulating "heavy" load.

See Also

Version History
Features Added to Ready! API 1.3

Highlight search results