ReadyAPI Folders Reference

Applies to ReadyAPI 3.58, last modified on February 11, 2025

When you install ReadyAPI, it places the files into several locations on your machine. This topic explains where you can find them.

Default installation folder

C:\Program Files\SmartBear\ReadyAPI-<version>
<User Folder>/SmartBear/ReadyAPI-<version>

Folder for Java extension libraries

You place Java extension libraries, for example those used to connect to JDBC databases, in the <ReadyAPI folder>\bin\ext folder.

The .vmoptions file

Note: We have identified some use cases where ReadyAPI Windows users required broader character encoding through UTF-8. To set encoding to UTF-8, you need to make one configuration change to <readyapi-installation-folder>\bin\ReadyAPI.vmoptions. Insert a new line at the end and add -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8. Save, close the file, and open ReadyAPI. For additional details on setting the encoding to UTF-8, refer to this page.

To edit the vmoptions file:

  1. Control-click ReadyAPI in Finder.

  2. Select Show Package Contents.

  3. Open the vmoptions.txt file.

Setting file

ReadyAPI stores its configuration settings in the <User Folder>/.readyapi/readyapi‑settings.xml file.

Default workspace file

The default workspace is created when you install ReadyAPI. It is stored in the <User Folder>/default-soapui-workspace.xml file. Workspaces created manually can be stored in any folder.

Plugin folder

Plugin files are stored in the <User Folder>/.soapui/plugins folder.

Log folder

ReadyAPI stores log files in the <User Folder>/.readyapi/logs folder.

Lib file (including H2 JAR)

ReadyAPI stores JARs and Library files in the <User Folder>/.readyapi/lib folder (including the H2 JAR).

Databases for test results

When you run tests, ReadyAPI gathers logs. To make sure the project file does not grow with each test run, we store the results in individual database files:

  • The <username>/.readyapi/db/readyapi.h2.db file contains information about the test runs that you can access from the History and Transaction Log tabs.

  • The <username>/.readyapi/db/dashboard.h2.db file contains information that is displayed on the dashboard.

  • The .readyapi/loadui/results folder holds the information displayed on the ReadyAPI Performance Statistics page.

See Also

General Information
Installation Guide

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