Send Mail Test Step

About Send Mail test step

Use the Send Mail test step to send emails from your tests. If the step sends an email successfully, it passes. Otherwise, it fails.


pro.png To use this test step, you need ReadyAPI Test Licenses. If you do not have it, you can request it on our website or start a trial.

Edit Send Mail test step

You can modify the settings of the test step in its editor:

Send Mail test step editor

Email subject

Message subject.

Message content

The body of the message.


You can use Property Expansions.


The address of the outgoing mail server. If you do not know the server’s address, ask your system administrator.


The port of the outgoing mail server. Usually, port 25 is used. If you do not know the server’s port, ask your system administrator.


Your account name used to connect to the outgoing mail server. Often, outgoing servers do not require authorization. Ask your system administrator if needed.


Your account password used to connect to the outgoing mail server. Often, outgoing servers do not require authorization. Ask your system administrator, if needed.


A list of recipients’ email addresses. Use the semicolon to separate the addresses in the string.


The email address to which recipients will send the replies.


Specifies how long ReadyAPI tries to connect to the specified server. Set to 0 to have no timeout.

Property list

Besides the test step editor, you can adjust test step behavior by using its properties in the SendMailRequestTestStep Properties and Custom Send Mail Request Test Step Properties panels in the Navigator.

SendMailRequestTestStep Properties




The test step’s name.


Text describing the test step.

Email subject

The subject of the email. Corresponds to the Email subject option in the test step editor.

Message content

The content of the message. Corresponds to the Message content option in the test step editor.


The address of the outgoing mail server. Corresponds to the Server option in the test step editor.


The port of the outgoing mail server. Corresponds to the Port option in the test step editor.


Your account name used to connect to the outgoing mail server. Corresponds to the Login option in the test step editor.


Your password used to connect to the outgoing mail server. Corresponds to the Password option in the test step editor.


The list of email recipients. Corresponds to the To option in the test step editor.


The email address to which recipients will send replies. Corresponds to the From option in the test step editor.

Use STARTTLS command

Sets whether ReadyAPI should use the STARTTLS command to set up a secured connection for sending an email.

Custom Send Mail Request Test Step Properties

Values on the Custom Send Mail Request Test Step Properties tab are available to other test steps in your project. For instance, you can verify these property values with the Assertion test step, or check them and change the execution flow with the Conditional GoTo test step. To learn more, see About Properties.

You can modify custom properties, load their values from a file, or save them to a file. To do this, use the toolbar items.

This tab contains the following properties that provide access to the request and response data:




Duplicates the Use STARTTLS command property. Used to get its value by using the property expansion.


Duplicates the Server property. Used to get its value by using the property expansion.


Duplicates the Password property. Used to get its value by using the property expansion.


Duplicates the Port property. Used to get its value by using the property expansion.


Duplicates the E-Mail subject property. Used to get its value by using the property expansion.


Duplicates the To property. Used to get its value by using the property expansion.


Duplicates the Message content property. Used to get its value by using the property expansion.


Duplicates the Login property. Used to get its value by using the property expansion.


Duplicates the From property. Used to get its value by using the property expansion.


Specifies how long ReadyAPI tries to connect to the specified server. Corresponds to the Timeout option in the test step editor.


When the test step is run as part of a test case, you can see the test log in the Transaction Log panel.

Working with

Below, you can find information on common tasks that you can perform with the Send Mail test step.

Send Email via Gmail

One of the most popular email services is Gmail. This example shows how to configure the test step to send an email by using it.

  • If your account does not have 2-step verification, enable access to your account for less secure applications:

  • If your account has 2-step verification, get an application password:

  • In ReadyAPI, select the needed Send Mail test step and specify the following properties:

    • Server:

    • Port: 587

    • Login: Your Gmail login

    • Password: Your Gmail password, or an app password if you use 2-step verification.

  • Specify the rest of settings according to your needs.

  • Set the Use STARTTLS command test step property to true.

  • Run the test step.


    Make sure to disable the Access for less secure apps option after you finish sending the mail. This option makes your account potentially vulnerable.

See Also

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