Test Suite Status Tile

Applies to ReadyAPI 3.58, last modified on February 11, 2025

The Test Suite Status tile shows a status of recently run test suites of functional tests and gives you an understanding of the quality of your API. To get information about recently run test cases, use the Test Case Status tile.

The tile presents this information in a bar chart, where the horizontal axis shows test suite names, and the vertical axis represents the total number of test cases in a test suite.

Below is a sample view of the tile:

ReadyAPI Interface: Dashboard: Test Suite Status Tile

If you do not have a functional test, or if you have not run it yet, you will see sample data in the tile. To learn about creating functional tests, see Creating Your First Functional Test.


To use the Test Suite Status tile, you need a ReadyAPI Test Pro license. If you do not have it, you can either request it on our web site or start a trial.

Filter Test Statuses

You can filter which test suites to show in the chart by selecting the checkboxes at the bottom of the tile:

Test Statuses
Option Description


Shows the results with failed assertions.


Shows the results with successful assertions.


Shows the results that do not have assertions.

For information about assertions, see Verifying Results.

Filter Projects

By default, the Test Suite Status tile shows test case and test suite information of all recently run projects. You can select a project whose data you want to be displayed in the tile from the drop-down list:

ReadyAPI Dashboard: Select a Project

Set Time Interval

The Test Suite Status tile shows recent data which is relevant to the time interval you set. Click in the top-right corner of the tile and select one of the options: Today, Yesterday, Last 7 days, Last 30 days, and Custom. By using the Custom option, you can set an arbitrary period.

View Details

To view a summary of a test suite, point to a bar in the chart:

Brief information about a test case

To get details about a test suite, click a chart bar or right-click anywhere in the tile and select View Details. The Test Suite Details window will appear:

ReadyAPI Interface: The Test Suite Details Window

Click the image to enlarge it.

The window contains a bar chart that by default shows the details of the test suite you have clicked and a table with the following data:

  • The names of test cases, test suites, and projects.

  • A test suite status.
    Possible values: Fail, Pass, Unknown.

  • The number of test steps in each test case.

  • The time taken to run a test case, in milliseconds.

  • The date and time of the last test run.

You can filter the results displayed in the chart and in the table by projects, test suites, test statuses, and time.

You can also view the details of each test case. To do that, click Open. ReadyAPI will open the respective editor.

Export Details

Click or right-click anywhere in the Test Suite Status tile and select Generate Report. ReadyAPI will generate and open the report. Use the dialog toolbar to save the report or print it.

See Also

About ReadyAPI Dashboard
About Functional Testing
ReadyAPI Test Licenses
Test Suite Editor

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