Method Representations Page

Applies to ReadyAPI 3.58, last modified on February 04, 2025

On the Representations page, you can configure method representations. ReadyAPI applies representations on the method level to all underlying requests and responses.

Open the page

To open the Representations page:

  1. Double-click a method in the Navigator.

  2. Switch to the Representations page.

    The Representations page

    Click the image to enlarge it.

Add representations

To add a representation:

  1. Click .

  2. In the Add Representation dialog, specify the representation type.

    The Add Representation dialog

The new representation will appear in the table.

The table includes the following columns:

Column Description


A basic type of a representation.

  • REQUEST– An entity sent to the target web server from the client.

  • RESPONSE– An entity the server has sent to the client in response to the client’s request.

  • FAULT– An entity the server has sent to the client that equals to the error.


A two-part identifier for file formats.

For details, see

Status Codes

A status code of a representation.


A qualified name of an element or attribute in the XML content. Allows identifying and accessing them.

View sample content

If your API definition has examples for operation parameters, properties, or objects, ReadyAPI shows sample responses in the Sample Content field.

Response sample content

Click the image to enlarge it.

Delete representations

To delete a representation, select it in the table and click .

See Also

Method Parameters Page
Method Properties
Method Requests Page
REST Method Editors

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