Tasks Table

Applies to QAComplete 12.90 On-Premises, last modified on December 24, 2021


The Tasks table contains items of three different types: agile tasks, to do list items and calendar appointments. The value of the TaskTypeCode column indicates the type of the item:

  • ProjectTasks – The item is an agile task.

  • To Do List – The item is a to do list item.

  • Appointment – The item is a calendar appointment.


The table contains the following columns:

TaskId  :  int, primary key, allows null: no

The unique numeric identifier of the item.

ProjId  :  int, allows null: no

The unique numeric identifier of the project that contains the item.

ActFinish  :  datetime, allows null: yes

The date when the agile task was actually completed.

The stored date and time are based on the server’s time zone. For more information, see Date and Time Fields.

ActHrs  :  decimal (max 18 decimal digits), allows null: yes

The actual number of hours spent on the task.

ActStart  :  datetime, allows null: yes

The date when the work on the agile task actually started.

The stored date and time are based on the server’s time zone. For more information, see Date and Time Fields.

ActualCost  :  money, allows null: yes

The actual cost of the agile task (not used for appointments and to do list items).

ActualHrs  :  decimal (max 18 decimal digits), allows null: yes

The actual time spent on the agile task, in hours (not used for appointments and to do list items).

AssigneeUserId  :  int, allows null: yes

The ID of the user to whom the item is assigned. 0 if the item is not assigned.

Custom1..Custom10  :  varchar (max 8000 chars), allows null: yes

The values of custom fields 1 - 10.

These columns correspond to fields that can be available for rich editing.

DateBegin  :  datetime, allows null: yes

The date when the task starts.

The stored date and time are based on the server’s time zone. For more information, see Date and Time Fields.

DateCreated  :  datetime, allows null: no, default: Current date and time

The date and time when the item was created.

The stored date and time are based on the server’s time zone. For more information, see Date and Time Fields.

DateDue  :  datetime, allows null: yes

The date when the task must be completed. Not used for calendar appointments.

The stored date and time are based on the server’s time zone. For more information, see Date and Time Fields.

DateEnd  :  datetime, allows null: yes

The date when the task finishes.

The stored date and time are based on the server’s time zone. For more information, see Date and Time Fields.

DateOtherReminder  :  datetime, allows null: yes

The column is not used.

DateUpdated  :  datetime, allows null: no, default: Current date and time

The date when the item was last updated.

The stored date and time are based on the server’s time zone. For more information, see the Date and Time fields topic.

Description  :  varchar (max 8000 chars), allows null: yes

The description of the agile task, to do list item, or appointment.

This column corresponds to a field that can be available for rich editing.

EstCost  :  money, allows null: yes

The estimated cost of the agile task (not used for appointments and to do list items).

EstFinish  :  datetime, allows null: yes

The date and time the work on the agile tasks is estimated to finish.

The stored date and time are based on the server’s time zone. For more information, see Date and Time Fields.

EstHrs  :  decimal (max 18 decimal digits), allows null: yes

The estimated time the agile task will take, in hours (not used for appointments and to do list items).

EstHrsRemaining  :  decimal (max 18 decimal digits), allows null: yes

The estimated number of hours remaining to work on the agile task.

QAComplete calculates this value automatically when the user specifies how many hours have been spent on that task. To learn more, see Calculation of Percent Complete and Estimated Hours Remaining.

EstStart  :  datetime, allows null: yes

The date and time the work on the agile tasks is estimated to start.

The stored date and time are based on the server’s time zone. For more information, see Date and Time Fields.

FirstMeetingTaskId  :  int, allows null: yes, default: 0

The numeric identifier of the first instance of a recurring meeting.

FirstRecurTaskId  :  int, allows null: yes, default: 0

The numeric identifier of the first instance of a recurring appointment.

FolderId  :  int, allows null: yes

The unique identifier of the folder where the item is located.

Grouping  :  varchar (max 50 chars), allows null: yes

The mechanism of task grouping.

ImportId  :  int, allows null: yes

The ID of the imported batch in which the item was imported.

IsMeeting  :  char (max 1 char), allows null: yes, default: N

Shows if the appointment is a meeting.

IsOnActivityRpt  :  char (max 1 char), allows null: yes, default: N

The column is reserved for system use only.

IsRecurring  :  char (max 1 char), allows null: yes, default: N

Shows if the appointment is recurring.

Keywords  :  varchar (max 200 chars), allows null: yes

A list of keywords used to search for the task.

MLSId  :  int, allows null: yes

The column is reserved for system use only.

OriginalId  :  int, allows null: yes

The column is reserved for system use only.

OtherReminderEmails  :  varchar (max 1000 chars), allows null: yes

The column is not used.

OutlookId  :  varchar (max 100 chars), allows null: yes

The column is reserved for system use only.

OwnerUserId  :  int, allows null: yes

The ID of the user who created the item.

PctComplete  :  tinyint, allows null: yes

The percentage of task completion (used for agile tasks and to do list items).

QAComplete calculates this value automatically when the user specifies how many hours have been spent on the task. To learn more, see Calculation of Percent Complete and Estimated Hours Remaining.

PriorityCode  :  varchar (max 100 chars), allows null: yes

An item’s priority code is based on a choice list. The values of this choice list are stored in the Validation table. They correspond to the items whose values equal TaskPriority in the ValidationType column.

RequestedBy  :  varchar (max 30 chars), allows null: yes

The ID of the user who requested the agile task, or NULL if no user requested the item (not used for appointments and to do list items).

ShowTimeAs  :  varchar (max 30 chars), allows null: yes

Specifies how the appointment is shown in the calendar.

SortOrder  :  int, allows null: yes

If the task is a scheduled event, it is the task order.

StatusCode  :  varchar (max 100 chars), allows null: yes

An item’s status is based on a choice list. The values of this choice list are stored in the Validation table. They correspond to the items whose values equal TaskStatus in the ValidationType column.

SubGrouping  :  varchar (max 50 chars), allows null: yes

The mechanism of task grouping.

TaskDuration  :  varchar (max 10 chars), allows null: yes

Units of the appointment duration (hours or minutes).

TaskTypeCode  :  varchar (max 100 chars), allows null: no, default: ProjectTasks

The type of the item (ProjectTask, To Do List or Appointment).

TaskUnits  :  int, allows null: yes

The number of units (hours or minutes) of the appointment.

Title  :  varchar (max 255 chars), allows null: no

The title of the agile task, to do list item, or appointment.

UpdateUserId  :  int, allows null: no, default: 0

The ID of the user who last updated the item.

See Also

Tasks View
Agile Tasks

Highlight search results